1749 in literature

1749 in literature

The year 1749 in literature involved some significant events and new books.


* Oliver Goldsmith graduates from Trinity College, Dublin.

New books

* Joseph Ames - "Typographical Antiquities"
* George Berkeley - "A Word to the Wise"
* John Brown - "On Liberty"
* William Rufus Chetwood - "A General History of the Stage"
* John Cleland - "The Case of the Unfortunate Bosavern Penlez"
* John Gilbert Cooper - "The Life of Socrates"
* Henry Fielding
**"The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling"
**"The True State of the Case of Bosavern Penlez" (in reply to Cleland)
* Sarah Fielding
**"The Governess"
**"Remarks on 'Clarissa"'
* David Hartley - "Observations on Man, his Frame, his Duty, and his Expectations" (psychology)
* Eliza Haywood - "Dalinda" (novel)
* Aaron Hill - "Gideon"
* Samuel Johnson - "The Vanity of Human Wishes"
* William Law - "The Spirit of Prayer"
* William Mason - "Isis"
* Henry St. John - "Letters on the Spirit of Patriotism"
* John Wesley - "A Plain Account of the People Called Methodists"
* Gilbert West - "Odes of Pindar"

New drama

* Anonymous - "Tittle Tattle" (adaptation of Swift's "Genteel and Ingenious Conversations")
* William Hawkins - "Henry and Rosamund"
* Aaron Hill - "Meropé"
* Samuel Johnson - "Irene"
* Moses Mendes - "The Chaplet" (musical, with music by William Boyce)
* Tobias Smollett - "The Regicide"
* James Thomson - "Coriolanus"


* William Collins - "Ode Occasion'd by the death of Mr. Thomson"
* Thomas Cooke - "An Ode on Beauty"
* Henry Jones - "Poems"


* January 13 : Friedrich Müller, painter, narrator, lyricist and dramatist, also known as "Maler Müller" (died 1825)
* May 4 - Charlotte Smith, poet and novelist (died 1806)
* August 28 : Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (died 1832)


* June 19 - Ambrose Philips, English poet (born 1675)
* September 10 - Emilie du Chatelet, French scientific writer, mistress of Voltaire and translator into French of Isaac Newton's Principia (born 1706)
* Samuel Boyse, poet and playwright
* Matthew Concanen, wit and poet
* Catherine Cockburn Trotter, playwright

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