

Serenje is a town in Zambia, lying just off the Great North Road and TAZARA Railway, north east of Mkushi. The Mulembo Falls lie near the town. Serenje is approximately 191 km from Kapiri Mposhi on the Great North Road.

It is also the name of the surrounding district, one of six in Central Province.


Serenje has a railway station on the TAZARA railway.

Serenje district is inhabited by the Lala speaking people. The lala language, like most languages spoken on the Copperbelt and Central provinces of Zambia, is a dialect of the bemba language. Consequently, the lala people, like most ethnic groups in central and northern and northwestern parts of Zambia, are said to have descended from the Luba-Lunda Kingdom in present day Congo DRC.

The inhabitants of Serenje district engage in subsistence agriculture. Though the area is blessed with rich soils and thick forests, economic development appears to have eluded this Zambian rural outpost. The British, during the time that Northern Rhodesia was a British protectorate, designated Serenje as a BOMA (British Overseas Military Administration). To this day, the locals refer to Serenje Town as BOMA.

Serenje district is constituted by a number of Chiefdoms. These are the chiefdoms of Chisomo, Serenje, Kabamba, Mailo, and Chibale.

See also

* Railway stations in Zambia


* [ FallingRain Map - elevation = 1424m (Red dots are railways)]

External links

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