- Anconeus muscle
Muscle infobox
Name = Anconeus muscle
Latin = musculus anconeus
GraySubject = 125
GrayPage = 454
Caption = Back of right upper extremity. (Anconeus labeled at bottom center.)
Caption2 = Posterior surface of the forearm. Superficial muscles. (Anconeus visible at center right.)
Origin =lateral epicondyle of thehumerus proximally
Insertion = lateral surface of theolecranon process and thesuperior part of the posteriorulna distally
Action = It is partly blended in with thetriceps , which it assists inextension of theforearm . It also stabilises the elbow and abducts the ulna duringpronation .
Blood =deep brachial artery ,recurrent interosseous artery
Nerve =radial nerve (C7, C8, and T1)
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = m_22
DorlandsSuf = 12548375
The anconeus muscle is a smallmuscle on the posterior aspect of the elbow joint.Some consider anconeus to be a continuation of the
triceps brachii muscle . [Williams, P. et al, 1995, Gray's Anatomy, 38th ed., Churchill Livingstone] [Jones, W. et al.(eds) , 1953, Buchanan's Manual of Anatomy, 8th ed., Balliére, Tindall and Cox., pp. 496] [Grant, J. & Basmajian J., 1965, Grant's Method of Anatomy, 7th ed., The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore, pp. 163-164] Some sources consider it to be part of theposterior compartment of the arm ,cite web |url=http://anatomy.med.umich.edu/musculoskeletal_system/axilla_ans.html |title=Dissector Answers - Axilla & Arm |accessdate=2008-01-17 |format= |work=] while others consider it part of theposterior compartment of the forearm .cite web |url=http://www.med.mun.ca/anatomyts/msk/forearm.htm |title=The Radius and Ulna |accessdate=2008-01-17 |format= |work=]The Anconeus muscle can easily be palpated just lateral to the olecranon process of the ulna.
Its function is trivial in humans. It assists in extension of the elbow, where the triceps brachii is the principal agonist. It also prevents the elbow joint capsule being pinched in the
olecranon fossa during extension of the elbow. Anconeus also abducts the ulna and stabilizes the elbow joint.
External links
* [http://www.ptcentral.com/muscles/musclearms.html#anconeus PTCentral]
* [http://www.dubinchiro.com/images/tennis2.gifImage at dubinchiro.com]
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