- List of futurology topics
Topics related to
futurology include:Concepts
15 Global Challenges
*Actionable futurism
*Applied Foresight Network
*Calculating Demand Forecast Accuracy
*Clarke's three laws
*Causal Layered Analysis
*Digital library (initiatives)
*Emerging technologies
*End of civilization
* Foresight
*Foresight Exchange
*Future energy development
*Futures techniques
*Global Consciousness Project
*Hubbert peak
*Hubbert peak theory
*Integral Futures
*Kardashev scale
*Malthusian catastrophe
*Memetics - "Mapping MentorshipARTMeme s"
** 2010: (Discussion)
**DIKW -Harlan Cleveland
** FMEA:Failure mode and effects analysis
** GDSS: Group decision support systems
***Social network analysis - " [http://www.answers.com/topic/thinklets thinkLets] "
*** [http://www.educationfutures.com/storytech/ StoryTech] decision support frameworks
**Involution (philosophy) (Anticipatory thinking)
*Moore's Law
*Morphological analysis
*Normative futures
*Omega point
*Optimism bias
*Planetary Phase of Civilization
*Prediction market
*Preferred futures
*Psychohistory (fictional)
*The Race of the Future
*Reference class forecasting
*Risks to civilization, humans and planet Earth
*State of the Future
*Strategic Foresight
*Systems thinking
*Technological singularity
*Technology forecasting
*Theory of Constraints
*Thought experiment
*Timeline of the future in forecasts
*Twelve leverage points
*Ultimate fate of the universe Organizations
Acceleration Studies Foundation
*Association of Professional Futurists
*Australia Foresight Institute
*Bakken Museum
*Club of Amsterdam
*Club of Rome
*Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
*Finland Futures Academy
*Foundation for the Future
*The Futures Academy
*Futures Group International
*Futures Research Committee of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
*Futures Research Centre
*Futures Studies Department
*Global Change Ltd
*Global Scenario Group
*Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies
*Institute for Futures Research
*Institute for the Future
*Laboratory for Investigation in Prospective Strategy and Organization
*Mankind 2000
*Millennium Project
*Moroccan Association of Future Studies
*Naval Postgraduate School
*Pakistan Futuristics Institute
*RAND Corporation
*Shaping Tomorrow
*World Future Society
*World Futures Studies Federation Academic programs
:"See also":
Acceleration Studies Foundation 's [http://www.accelerating.org/gradprograms.html annotated list] of 10 primary and 60+ secondary graduate futures studies programs.
*Australia:Australian Catholic University
*Australia:Swinburne University of Technology
*Argentina:Universidad Nacional de La Plata [ [http://der.jursoc.unlp.edu.ar/ Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales - Universidad Nacional de La Plata ] ]
*Australia:Curtin University of Technology [http://handbook.curtin.edu.au/units/13/13629.html]
*Australia:University of Sunshine Coast
*Canada:Futurismos [ [http://futurism.freepgs.com/ FreePgs.com - Unknown Domain ] ]
*Colombia:Universidad Externado de Colombia [http://www.uexternado.edu.co]
*Colombia:Uniandes [ [http://filosofia.uniandes.edu.co/ Universidad de los Andes|Departamento de Filosofía ] ]
*Czech Republic:Charles University of Prague
*Finland:Finland Futures Academy , FFRC,Turku School of Economics and Business Administration [http://www.tukkk.fi/tutu/tva]
*France: CNAM / LIPSOR [ [http://www.cnam.fr/lips/ LIPSOR : Laboratoire d’Investigation en Prospective Stratégie et Organisation ] ]
*Germany: Institut für Zukunftsforschung und Technologiebewertung, Berlin
*Hungary:Corvinus University of Budapest [ [http://www.bkae.hu/jkut/ Tanszék: Jövőkutatás Tanszék ] ]
*India:Devi Ahilya University [http://www.sfsp.dauniv.ac.in/] [M. Tech. Futures Studies and Planning]
*India:University of Kerala [http://www.keralauniversity.edu/universitydepartments.htm#ncvzx University Departments ] ]
*Italy:Gregorian University [ [http://www.unigre.it Università Gregoriana - Home Page ] ]
*Mexico:Monterrey Institute of Technology [ [http://www.mty.itesm.mx/dhcs/deptos/ri/maestrias/prospectiva/Prospectiva.html Maestría en Prospectiva Estratégica ] ]
*Pakistan:Pakistan Futuristics Institute
*Romania:Babes-Bolyai University
*Russia:Moscow State University
*South Africa:Stellenbosch University [ [http://www.ifr.sun.ac.za Institute For Futures Research :::::: Home ] ]
*Taiwan:Tamkang University [http://www.ed.tku.edu.tw/develop]
*Taiwan:Fo Guang University [ [http://www.fgu.edu.tw/~future/ ¦ò¥ú¤j¾ÇªÀ·|¾Ç°|¥¼¨Ó¾Ç¨t©Ò ] ]
*USA: Global Options [ [http://www.csudh.edu/global_options/IntroFSTopics.HTML Introduction to Future Studies Topics ] ] [ [http://www.csudh.edu/global_options/ Global Options Home Page ] ]
*USA:University of Hawaii [http://www.futures.hawaii.edu/]
*USA:University of Houston [ [http://tech.uh.edu/futureweb/ Human Development & Consumer Science ] ]
*USA:Stanford University [ [http://foresight.stanford.edu/ Stanford Center for Foresight and Innovation ] ] , a program that seems both critical and normative because of its work with futurists and designers.
*USA:Regent University [ [http://www.regent.edu/global/msf Regent University: School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship - Academics - MSF - Home ] ]Futurologists
Joel A. Barker [http://www.google.com/search?q=Barker+%22Five+Regions+of+the+Future%22+WFS.org Barker] ]
*Arthur C. Clarke [ [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=technology&res=9E07E4DC143AF932A35757C0A9649C8B63&n=Top%2fReference%2fTimes%20Topics%2fPeople%2fC%2fClarke%2c%20Arthur%20C%2e "Compressed Data; On a Futurists' Forum, Money Backs Up Predictions," "The New York Times", April 1, 2002] ]
*Edward Cornish [http://www.arlingtoninstitute.org/futuredition/fe_archive/fe_08_10archive_05.asp TAI] ]
*Jeff Cornish [http://www.wfs.org/futupmay06.htm Cornish] ]
*Scott W. Erickson [http://www.google.com/search?q=Erickson+%22Five+Regions+of+the+Future%22+WFS.org Erickson] ]
* Frank Feather [http://www.future-trends.com Feather] ]
*Fabienne GOUX-BAUDIMENT [http://www.progective.com/fr/progective/equipe/fabiennegouxbaudiment/ GOUX-BAUDIMENT] ]
*Herman Kahn
*Arthur Harkins [http://education.umn.edu/EdPA/people/Harkins.html Harkins] ]
*Stephen Hawking [http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,545653,00.html Alter our DNA or robots will take over, warns Hawking] ] [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6158855.stm Our species must move to another planet] ]
* Sohail Inayatullah [ [http://www.metafuture.org/articles.htm Metafuture] ]
*Earl C. Joseph, Sr. [http://www.earljoseph.com/Biography.htm Joseph] ]
*Richard Lamb [http://www.trendwatcher.com Lamb] ]
*David Passig [http://www.passig.com Passig] ]
*John Tomsyck [http://www.zoominfo.com/Search/PersonDetail.aspx?PersonID=1035022856 Tomsyck] ]
*Natasha Vita-More
*Joseph Voros [http://www.swin.edu.au/business/stafflist/staff/jvoros.html Voros] ]
*Ray Kurzweil
*Kim Stanley Robinson
*Alex Steffen
*Alvin Toffler
*Arthur Harkins
*Aurelio Peccei
*Bertrand deJouvenel
*Bill Joy
* Charles Babbage
*Clem Bezold
*Danila Medvedev
*Daniel Bell
*David Absalam
*David Passig
*Kevin Warwick
*Derek Woodgate
*Eamonn Kelly
*Earl Bakken
*Earl C. Joseph, Sr.
*Edgar Morin
*Edward Cornish
*Eric Garland
*Erich Jantsch
* Frank Feather
*Fred Polak
*Gaston Berger
*George Kubik
*Harlan Cleveland
*Hazel Henderson
*Herman Kahn
*Homer A. McCrerey
*Hugo de Garis
*Ian Baker
*Irma Wyman
*Jacque Fresco
* James Burke
*James Martin
*Jaron Lanier
*Jay Gary
*Jeff Cornish
*Jeremy Rifkin
* James Dator
*Joel A. Barker
*John Brunner (novelist) [ [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Brunner_%28novelist%29] ]
* John McHale
*John Naisbitt
*John Renesch
* John Smart
*John Tomsyck
*John Zerzan
*Jonathan Despres [ [http://future.wikia.com/wiki/User:Jonano Jonano] ]
*Joseph Voros
*Lynn Elen Burton
*Mahdi ElMandjra
*Mária Törőcsik
*Max More
*Michael E. Arth
*Michael Walzer
*Michel GODET
*Natasha Vita-More
*Oliver Markley
*P. Alexandré Gagne [ [http://www.millennialproductions.com/ca/staff.html Dyer] ]
*Patrick Dixon
*Paul Raskin
*Paul Saffo
*Peter Bishop
* Peter Schwartz
*Grace Hopper
*Ray Kurzweil
*Retzbach Roman [ [http://www.future-institute.com/2008/ Retzbach] ]
*Richard A. Slaughter
*Richard Lamb
*Robert A. Heinlein
*Robert Anton Wilson
*Robert Heilbroner
*Robert Jungk
*Robert Prechter
*Scott W. Erickson
* Sohail Inayatullah
*Srinivas Rao
*Stewart Brand
*Stephen Hawking
*Strauss and Howe
* Stanislaw Lem
*Ted Kaczynski
*Thorkil Kristensen
*Wendell Bell
*Wendy Schultz
*Willis Harman
*Gerard O'Neill Organizations
Acceleration Studies Foundation
*Applied Foresight Network
*Association of Professional Futurists
*Australian Futures Foundation
*Club of Amsterdam
*Club of Rome
*Futuribles , [ [http://www.futuribles.fr Futuribles - Revue - Formation - Etudes ] ]
*Global Business Network
*Global Scenario Group
*Hudson Institute
*International Institute of Forecasters
*Long Now Foundation
*Millennium Project
*NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts
*RAND Corporation
*Shaping Tomorrow
*School of Futures Studies and Planning
*Swedish Morphological Society
*Tellus Institute
*The Arlington Institute
*UK Futures Analysts Network
*World Future Society
*World Futures Studies Federation Research centers
*Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies [http://www.cifs.dk/]
*Futures Studies Department ,Corvinus University of Budapest
*Department of Futures Studies ,University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
*Futures Research Committee of Hungarian Academy of Sciences [ [http://www.budapestfutures.org/jkb/ MTA Jövőkutatási Bizottság - nyitó lap ] ]
*Finland Futures Research Centre ,Turku School of Economics and Business Administration
* Foresight and Futurology Unit, aBT Group think tank
*Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies , University of Hawai`i at Mānoa
*Institute for Alternative Futures ,Alexandria, Virginia
*Institute for the Future ,Palo Alto, California
*Laboratory for Investigation in Prospective Strategy and Organization , CNAM Paris [ [http://www.cnam.fr/lipsor LIPSOR : Laboratoire d’Investigation en Prospective Stratégie et Organisation ] ]
* National Intelligence Council, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Washington DC, [ [http://www.dni.gov/nic/NIC_home.html Welcome to the National Intelligence Council (NIC) ] ]
*Tellus Institute , Boston MA
* UK Horizon Scanning Centre, London [ [http://www.foresight.gov.uk/HORIZON_SCANNING_CENTRE Welcome to the Horizon Scanning centre ] ]
*The Futures Academy ,Dublin Institute of Technology , Ireland
*SUBITO! Research&Futures , Europe/Norway [ [http://www.subito.as SUBITO! Research&Futures ] ]
*Zukunftsinstitut , Europe/Germany [ [http://zukunftsinstitut.de/about_us.php Zukunftsinstitut | Wissen für die Wirtschaft von morgen ] ]
*proGective , Europe/France [ [http://www.progective.com proGective - futures-oriented solutions ] ]
*World Futures Studies Federation , world [ [http://www.wfsf.org Welcome to the World Futures Studies Federation ] ]
*Instiute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment , Europe/Germany [ [http://www.izt.de/en/ IZT - Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung: Homepage ] ]
*Future-Institute , Europe/Germany [ [http://www.future-institute.com/2008/ FUTURE-INSTITUTE international | Zukunftsinstitut, Trend-Academy & Future-University - future studies, mega-trends, forsights, scenarios, timelines, utopia, visions ] ]Books
* "
The Age of Spiritual Machines : When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence"
* "Bold New World "
* "Brave New World "
* "The Communist Manifesto "
* " [http://www.mediagab.com/product.asp?asin=0970710402 Future Frequencies] "
* ""
* "Future Shock "
* "Futurewise "
* " [http://www.gtinitiative.org/documents/Great_Transitions.pdf Great Transition: The Promise and Lure of the Times Ahead] "
* "Limits to Growth "
* " [http://www.bkconnection.com/ProdDetails.asp?ID=1576751635&PCS=BKP&Type=SB&SUBSEL=BKP.CURR&Title=BK+Currents Macroshift] "
* "Our Final Hour "
* " [http://movietrailers.studiostore.com/product/GNVST0001/s.vHkFRs6D Phoenix: A Tale of the Future] "
* "The Revenge of Gaia "
* "The Singularity is Near : When Humans Transcend Biology"
* "The Skeptical Environmentalist "
* "The Third Wave (book) , Alvin Toffler
* " [http://www.amazon.com/dp/1425945775 Visions of the Future in the Last Century] "
* " [http://urss.ru/cgi-bin/db.pl?cp=&page=Book&id=53184&lang=en&Languages=2&blang=en&list=1 Analyzing and Modeling Global Development] "Periodicals and Monographs
Five Regions of the Future [ [http://www.fiveregionsofthefuture.com/region/entries/BookReviewOfFiveRegionsOfTheFuture ISBN 1591840899] -Joel A. Barker andScott W. Erickson ]
* Forecasting
* Foresight [ [http://www.managementfirst.com/strategy/journals/foresight.php/ Emerald for Managers has changed ] ]
* FutureOrientation [http://www.futureorientation.com/]
* Future Survey
* [http://www.elsevier.com/locate/inca/30422/ Futures]
*Futures Research Quarterly [ [http://www.wfs.org/frq.htm Futures Research Quarterly Main Page ] ]
* Futuribles
* Futurics [ [http://www.mnfuturists.org Minnesota Futurists ] ]
* Futurist [ [http://www.wfs.org/futurist.htm THE FUTURIST magazine ] ]
* [http://www.gtinitiative.org/default.asp?action=43 GTI Paper Series]
*Integral Futures [" [http://www.swin.edu.au/afi/research/integral_futures.htm ISBN 0415302692] -Joseph Voros "]
*International Journal of Forecasting [ [http://www.forecasters.org/ijf/ International Institute of Forecasters ] ]
* International Review ofStrategic Management
*Journal of Futures Studies [ [http://www2.tku.edu.tw/~tddx/jfs/ Journal of Futures Studies ] ]
* Long Range Planning
*State of the Future
*Technological Forecasting and Social Change
*WFSF Bulletin [ [http://www.wfsf.org/ Welcome to the World Futures Studies Federation ] ]References
ee also
List of futures scholars
*Timeline of fictional future events
*List of Theory of Constraints topics
*List of basic transhumanism topics
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