Wladimir Burliuk

Wladimir Burliuk

Wladimir Burliuk ( _uk. Володимир Давидович Бурлюк, Russian: Владимир Давидович Бурлюк, 1886–1917) was an avant-garde artist (Neo-Primitivist and Cubo-Futurist), book illustrator.


Burliuk was born in Kharkov, brother of David Burliuk.

In 1903 he studied at Azbe School in Munich.

In 1904 he was a soldier in the Russo-Japanese War.

In 1905-1910 Burliuk attended the Kiev Art School (KKHU).

In 1907-1908 he lived in Moscow.

In 1908 he returned to Kiev and was in close contact with Aleksandra Ekster and Mikhail Larionov. Together with the members of the group "The Link (Zveno)" W. Burliuk and D. Burliuk organized an avant-garde exhibition in Kiev.

In 1909-1910 he lived in St.Petersburg and in 1910-1911 he lived in Moscow.

In 1910 he became the member of the group "Jack of Diamonds" together with D. Burliuk, Ekster, Malevich (later also Nathan Altman and Wladimir Tatlin). In the same year he became the member of the group of avant-garde artists known as the "Soyuz Molodyozhi (Union of the Youth)".

In 1911 he joined the art school in Odessa.

In 1913-1915 he illustrated many futuristic publications in Moscow, among them was the book "The Assistance of the Muses in Spring" (1915).

In 1916 he was drafted into military service.

In 1917 Wladimir Burliuk killed in World War I in Saloniki.


* [http://www.terra-futura.com/russ/gileya/vburluk/vburluk.htm Wladimir Burliuk article ot Terra-Futura website] ru icon

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