Wladimir Baranoff-Rossine
- Wladimir Baranoff-Rossine
Wladimir Baranoff-Rossine (1888-1944) was a Russian-Ukrainian painter, avant-garde artist (Cubo-Futurist), and inventor of Jewish ethnicity.
Wladimir Baranoff-Rossine was born in Kherson, Ukraine, to parents of Jewish ethnicity.
In 1902 he studied at the School of the Society for the Furthering of the Arts in St. Petersburg. From 1903 to 1907 he attended the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.
In 1908 he exhibited with the group "Zveno" ("The Link") in Kiev organized by the artist David Burliuk and his brother Wladimir Burliuk.
In 1910 he moved to Paris, wher until 1914 he was a resident in the artist's colony " La Ruche" together with Alexander Archipenko, Sonia Delaunay-Terk, Nathan Altman and others. He exhibited regularly in Paris after 1911.
He returned to Russia in 1914. In 1916 he had a solo exhibition in Oslo. In 1918 he had exhibits with the union of artists "Mir Iskusstva" ("World of Art") in Petrograd (St.Petersburg). In the same year he had an exhibition with the group "Jewish Society for the Furthering of the Arts" in Moscow, together with Nathan Altman , El Lissitzky and David Shterenberg. He participated at the "First State Free Art Exhibition" in Petrograd in 1919.
In 1922 Baranoff-Rossine was the teacher at the Higher Artistic-Technical Workshops (VKhUTEMAS) in Moscow.
In 1924 he had the first presentation of his optophonic piano during a performance at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow - a synaesthetic instrument that was capable of creating sounds and coloured lights, patterns and textures simultaneously.
In 1925 he emigrated to France. During the German occupation Baranoff-Rossine, who was of Jewish origins, was deported and died in a German concentration camp.
External links
* [http://www.baranoffrossine.com Website dedicated to Vladimir Baranoff-Rossine]
* [http://www.umatic.nl/tonewheels_historical.html A web-site including his invention of the Optophonic Piano]
* [http://www.the-rusmuseum.ru/eng/editions/video1_.html-19k The State Russian museum .Vladimir Baranoff-Rossine]
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