- Point groups in two dimensions
geometry , apoint group in two dimensions is anisometry group in two dimensions that leaves the origin fixed, or correspondingly, an isometry group of a circle. It is asubgroup of theorthogonal group O(2), the group of all isometries which leave the origin fixed, or correspondingly, the group of orthogonal matrices. O(2) itself is a subgroup of theEuclidean group "E"(2) of all isometries.Abelian group SO(2), also called thecircle group , is a subgroup of "E"+(2), which consists of "direct" isometries, i.e., isometries preserving orientation; it contains those which leave the origin fixed. The group is isomorphic to R/Z and to U(1), the firstunitary group .Types of subgroups of SO(2):
*finite cyclic subgroups "C""n" ("n" ≥ 1); for every "n" there is one isometry group, of abstract group type Z"n"
*finitely generated groups, each isomorphic to one of the form Z"m" oplusZ "n" generated by "C""n" and "m" independent rotations with an irrational number of turns, and "m", "n" ≥ 1; for each pair ("m", "n") there are uncountably many isometry groups, all the same as abstract group; for the pair (1, 1) the group is cyclic.
*other countable subgroups. For example, for an integer "n", the group generated by all rotations of a number of turns equal to a negative integer power of "n"
*uncountable subgroups, including SO(2) itselfFor every subgroup of SO(2) there is a corresponding uncountable class of subgroups of O(2) which are mutually isomorphic as abstract group: each of the subgroups in one class is generated by the first-mentioned subgroup and a single reflection in a line through the origin. These are the (generalized)
dihedral group s, including the finite ones "D""n" ("n" ≥ 1) of abstract group type Dih"n". For "n" = 1 the common notation is "C""s", of abstract group type Z2.As topological subgroups of O(2), only the finite isometry groups and SO(2) and O(2) are closed.
ymmetry groups
The 2D symmetry groups correspond to the isometry groups, except that
symmetry according to O(2) and SO(2) can only be distinguished in the generalized symmetry concept applicable forvector field s.Also, depending on application, homogeneity up to arbitrarily fine detail in
transverse direction may be considered equivalent to full homogeneity in that direction. This greatly simplifies the categorization: we can restrict ourselves to the closed topological subgroups of O(2): the finite ones and O(2) (circular symmetry ), and for vector fields SO(2).Combinations with translational symmetry
"E"(2) is a
semidirect product of "O"(2) and the translation group "T". In other words "O"(2) is asubgroup of "E"(2) isomorphic to thequotient group of "E"(2) by "T"::"O"(2) cong "E"(2) "/ T"There is a "natural"
surjective group homomorphism "p" : "E"(2) → "E"(2)"/ T", sending each element "g" of "E"(2) to the coset of "T" to which "g" belongs, that is: "p" ("g") = "gT", sometimes called the "canonical projection" of "E"(2) onto "E"(2) "/ T" or "O"(2). Its kernel is "T".For every subgroup of "E"(2) we can consider its image under "p": a point group consisting of the cosets to which the elements of the subgroup belong, in other words, the point group obtained by ignoring translational parts of isometries. For every "discrete" subgroup of "E"(2), due to the
crystallographic restriction theorem , this point group is either "C""n" or of type "D""n" for "n" = 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6.C"n" and "D""n" for "n" = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 can be combined with translational symmetry, sometimes in more than one way. Thus these 10 groups give rise to 17
wallpaper group s, and the four groups with "n" = 1 and 2, give also rise to 7frieze group s.For each of the wallpaper groups p1, p2, p3, p4, p6, the image under "p" of all isometry groups (i.e. the "projections" onto "E"(2) "/ T" or "O"(2) ) are all equal to the corresponding "C""n"; also two frieze groups correspond to "C"1 and "C"2.
The isometry groups of p6m are each mapped to one of the point groups of type "D"6. For the other 11 wallpaper groups, each isometry group is mapped to one of the point groups of the types "D"1, "D"2, "D"3, or "D"4. Also five frieze groups correspond to "D"1 and "D"2.
For a given hexagonal translation lattice there are two different groups "D"3, giving rise to P31m and p3m1. For each of the types "D"1, "D"2, and "D"4 the distinction between the 3, 4, and 2 wallpaper groups, respectively, is determined by the translation vector associated with each reflection in the group: since isometries are in the same coset regardless of translational components, a reflection and a
glide reflection with the same mirror are in the same coset. Thus, isometry groups of e.g. type p4m and p4g are both mapped to point groups of type "D"4.For a given isometry group, the conjugates of a translation in the group by the elements of the group generate a translation group (a lattice) which is a subgroup of the isometry group which only depends on the translation we started with and the point group associated with the isometry group. This is because e.g. the conjugate of the translation by a glide reflection is the same as by the corresponding reflection: the translation vector is reflected.
If the isometry group contains an "n"-fold rotation then the lattice has "n"-fold symmetry for even "n" and 2"n"-fold for odd "n". If, in the case of a discrete isometry group containing a translation, we apply this for a translation of minimum length, then, considering the vector difference of translations in two adjacent directions, it follows that "n" ≤ 6, and for odd "n" that 2"n" ≤ 6, hence "n" = 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 (the
crystallographic restriction theorem ).ee also
point groups in three dimensions
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