- Aegyptosaurus
name = "Aegyptosaurus"
image width =
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Sauropsid a
superordo =Dinosaur ia
ordo =Saurischia
subordo =Sauropodomorpha
infraordo =Sauropoda
unranked_familia =Titanosauria
genus = "Aegyptosaurus"
genus_authority = Stromer, 1932
subdivision_ranks =Species
subdivision = "A. baharijensis" Stromer, 1932 (type)"Aegyptosaurus" (pronEng|iːˌdʒɪptəˈsɔrəs) meaning 'Egypt’s lizard', for the country in which it was discovered (Greek "sauros" meaning 'lizard') is a
genus ofdinosaur believed to have lived in what is nowAfrica , around 95million years ago , during the mid- and late-Cretaceous Period (Albian toCenomanian stages). Thisquadruped alsauropod was aherbivore and its fossils have been found inEgypt ,Niger and in several different locations in theSahara Desert . All known examples were discovered before 1939. The fossils were stored together inMunich , but were obliterated when an Allied bombing raid destroyed the museum where they were kept in 1944, duringWorld War II ."Aegyptosaurus" was described by German paleontologist
Ernst Stromer in 1932.Stromer, E. (1932a). Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen Prof. E. Stromers in den Wüsten Ägyptens. II. Wirbeltierreste der Baharîje-Stufe (unterstes Cenoman). 11. Sauropoda. Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung, Neue Folge, 10: 1-21.] It is estimated to have weighed roughly 10.5tonne s (11.5ton s), was 15 meters (50) feet long and was over 5 meters (16 ft) tall.Fact|date=April 2008 It had a long neck and a smallskull . The animal's longtail probably acted as a counterweight to its body mass. "Aegyptosaurus" was a close relative of "Argentinosaurus ", a much larger dinosaur found inSouth America .It is possible that "Aegyptosaurus" was common prey for large predatory dinosaurs, such as "
Carcharodontosaurus " and "Spinosaurus ".References
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