- Pito Salas
Pito Salas is a Curacaoan-American
Cambridge, MA -based software developer. While working with the Lotus Advanced Technology Group in 1986, Pito Salas invented a next-generation spreadsheet concept which later became the basis forPivot Tables in Microsoft Excel. The product was released by Lotus in 1989 asLotus Improv .In their book "Pivot Table Data Crunching", authors
Bill Jelen and Mike Alexander call Pito Salas the "father of pivot tables" and credits the pivot table concept with allowing an analyst to replace fifteen minutes of complicated data table and database functions with a few seconds of dragging fields into place.Today, Salas maintains a blog at http://www.salas.com/ and is a principal architect of the
BlogBridge Newsreader software.References
* [http://www.simson.net/clips/1991/91.NW.Improv.html Story of Improv] ( [http://web.archive.org/web/20041022203555/http%3a//www.simson.net/clips/1991/91.NW.Improv.html Internet Archive Cache] )
* Jelen, Bill: "The Spreadsheet at 25, The Evolution of the Invention that Changed the World", (Holy Macro! Books) 2005
* Alexander, Michael and Bill Jelen: "Pivot Table Data Crunching" (QUE) June 2005
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.