Julie Felix

Julie Felix

Julie Felix (born 14 June 1938, Santa Barbara, California), is a folk rock recording artist, who was produced by Mickie Most on his RAK Records label.

She graduated in 1956 from the original high school in Westchester, Los Angeles, California. In 1966 Felix became the resident singer on the popular BBC TV programme "The Frost Report", presented by David Frost. She hosted from 1968 to 1970 her own TV shows on the BBC, including the series "Once More With Felix" (the first episode was transmitted on 9 December 1968). Among those featured on her show were Leonard Cohen and Led Zeppelin's lead guitarist, Jimmy Page, who played the "White Summer" and "Black Mountain Side" guitar solo pieces. On 1 May 1967 she appeared on the German TV show Beat-Club; in September 1968 at the International Essen Song Days.

She had two UK singles chart hits in 1970. The first was with the song entitled "If I Could (El Cóndor Pasa)", whilst the second, marginally less successful, was called "Heaven Is Here".

She toured New Zealand in 1973. On Date|2008-03-24, she appeared on a BBC Four program in which stars of "The Frost Report" gathered for a night celebrating 40 years since "Frost Over England"; Felix sang "Blowin' in the Wind".

She now lives in Hertfordshire, England.

External links

* [http://www.juliefelix.com/ Official web site]
*youtube|ocq_noEO2uU|Introducing Leonard Cohen on her TV show
* [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5255510095015635445&q=Jimmy+Page Link to Jimmy Page's performance on the Julie Felix show]

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