Even language

Even language

nativename=эвэды торэн (eved'i toren)
region=Russian Far East
fam1=Altaic [Gordon, 2005 ( [http://www.ethnologue.com/show_family.asp?subid=90009 Altaic] )] (controversial)

The Even language (also known as Lamut, Ewen, Eben, Orich, Ilqan) is a Tungusic language spoken by the Evens in Siberia. It is widely scattered over the entire Okhotsk Arctic coast. It is an endangered language, having 7,168 speakers (Russian census, 2002). Dialects are Arman, Indigirka, Kamchatka, Kolyma-Omolon, Okhotsk, Ola, Tompon, Upper Kolyma, akkyryr, Lamunkhin. [Raymond G. Gordon, Jr, ed. 2005. "Ethnologue: Languages of the World". 15th edition. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics.]



External links

* [http://lingsib.iea.ras.ru/en/languages/even.shtml Endangered Languages of Siberia - The Even Language]
* [http://pge.rastko.net/dirs/pge/pge05/100171/e100171.html Universal Declaration of Human Rights] in Even language
* [http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=eve Ethnologue: Even]

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