- The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game
Infobox RPG
title= The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game
designer=Steven S. Long ,Christian Moore ,Owen M. Seyler ,Ross Isaacs
publisher=Decipher Inc.
date= 2002
system=Coda System
footnotes="The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game", released by
Decipher Inc. in2002 , is arole-playing game set in theMiddle-earth ofJ. R. R. Tolkien 's fiction. The game is set in the years between "The Hobbit " and "The Fellowship of the Ring ", but may be run at any time from the First toFourth Age and contains many examples of how to do so. Sourcebooks cover the events of "The Lord of the Rings " andPeter Jackson 's film trilogy adaptation.The system for "LOTR" is called "CODA" and is rather like a cross between "
RuneQuest " and "Traveller" with Advantages and Disadvantages from the "Hero System " and Feats from "Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition". In2003 , LOTR won theOrigins Award for "Best Roleplaying Game 2002". [cite web|url=http://www.originsgamefair.com/awards/2002/list-of-winners| title=Origins Award Winners (2002) |publisher=Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design|accessdate=2007-10-02]The game is the third licensed game for the setting, the others being "
Middle-earth Role Playing " and its simplified sibling the "Lord of the Rings Adventure Game ", both fromIron Crown Enterprises .Races
The character races available in the "Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game" are:
*Dwarves (Khazad] ): Short, stocky bearded folk, strong and hardy, able to endure pain, fatigue and suffering better than other races. Upon reaching maturity they appear old in a fashion that belies their hardiness. They often live in subterranean kingdoms, and have a great love of craftworks, especially things made of gold, silver, and "mithril ".
*Elves (Eldar): The oldest and wisest of races of Middle-earth, they are immortal, noble, and fair. Their kind have far clearer sight and perception than Men, and they're nimble. They are naturally aware of many things that are hidden from the Younger Children. They are divided into a number of particular kinds, primarily based on their course through elven history. TheNoldor or High Elves are those that heeded the call of the Valar and traveled across the sea, most of them later rebelling and followingFëanor back toMiddle-earth in pursuit of theSilmaril s. They are wise in Lore and Smithcraft, and created manyRings of Power . TheSindar or Grey Elves are those that heard the call, but stopped and chose to stay inBeleriand . These are the more numerous kind of elf in the Third Age, and have great love of, and talent with, music and song. TheSilvan Elves or Wood Elves are those that ceased their journey to the West before crossing theMisty Mountains . During the Third age, they live in woodland realms such asLothlórien or caverns in the mountains ofMirkwood . They have facility with wilderness skills.
*Hobbits : The signature race of Tolkien, these diminutive people are a distant relation to men. They are good-natured, hospitable and easy going folk, two to four feet in height with hair covered feet. There are three major strains of Hobbits:Fallohides , taller, slimmer, fairer, and more uncommon than their fellows, they often have more facility with language, song, and craft, and have an unusual adventurous streak.Harfoots are the most numerous kind, and tend to be shorter and browner than others. They are nimble with crafts, more friendly with Dwarves, and tend to stick to the custom of living in holes and tunnels. TheStoors are broader and sturdier and most numerous in Buckland. These are the only Hobbits who know anything about boating, swimming and fishing.
*Men: The most familiar character race, these still come in several varieties available for player characters.Dúnedain are descendants of theNúmenórean s, themselves descendant ofElros Tar-Minyatur , twin brother of Elrond Halfelven. TheMen of Twilight , including theRohirrim , theBeornings ,Dunlendings and the majority ofGondor ians (due to centuries of interbreeding), are men who did not go toNúmenor but remained in Middle-earth. These are typical Men. TheMen of Darkness are theEasterlings , theHaradrim (Southrons), and Variags ofKhand , most of whom have lived under the sway ofSauron . They are shorter, broader, darker of hair and eye, and duskier. Finally, there are Wild Men, who are short and squat and live rudely in the wild, though they carry their own nobility and powers. These include theDrúedain (Woses) who live in the forest ofAnórien and theLossoth (Snowmen of Forochel) who live in theNorthern Waste .Classes
character class es available in the "Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Adventure Game" are:
*Barbarian : A warrior of the wilds who may lack some of the refined skills and weapons of other fighting men, but who make up for it with woodcraftiness and ferocity. Many Dunlendings, Dúnedain, and Easterlings belong to this order.* Craftsman: A person skilled in the arts of making, able to craft items both useful and wondrous, or who serves others in some ordinary capacity. Sam Gamgee, Barliman Butterbur, many Dwarves, and the Noldorin jewelsmiths are all craftsmen.
Loremaster : One wise in the lores of Middle-Earth and who, though not a true caster of spells, can use some minor or subtle magics. Denethor, Celeborn, and many Elves are loremasters.* Magician: One who works magic and casts spells based on learned lore and wisdom, but who is not nearly as powerful as a wizard.
* Mariner: A sailor, one who knows how to work and helm ships great and small over the wide seas and on the Great River. Coastal Gondorians and the Corsairs of Umbar count many mariners among their number.
Minstrel : A singer of songs, teller of tales, and a chronicler of brave and noble deeds. With his words and music, he can inspire others.* Noble: A person who, due to birth, wealth, accomplishment, or the like, is regarded as of high rank in society, entitled to deference and respect from other folk. Boromir, Denethor, Aragorn, Celeborn, and even Frodo belong, at least in part, to this order.
* Rogue: A person who lives and works with his wits and deft hands, often at questionable or outlawed pursuits. He may be a spy for the Enemy, a professional treasure seeker, or simply one who prefers subtlety and guile to warfare and bloodshed. Bilbo, during his brief adventure with Thorin and company, became a member of this order. Gríma Wormtongue is also a rogue.
Warrior : People, such as guardsmen, soldiers, and archers, who are trained to fight with weapons. This is the most common order depicted in "The Lord of the Rings", and it may likely be so in most chronicles as well. It includes Aragorn, Boromir, Éomer, Éowyn, most Rohirrim, Beregond, Prince Imrahil, and eventually, Merry and Pippin.*Examples taken from the Main Guide of "LOTR Roleplaying Game" for lack of verifiable information.
External links
* [http://lotrrpg.fanhq.com/ The Official Website]
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