Ingress filtering

Ingress filtering

In computer networking, ingress filtering is a technique used to make sure that incoming packets are actually from the networks that they claim to be from.



Networks receive packets from other networks. Normally a packet will contain the IP address of the computer that originally sent it. This allows devices in the receiving network to know where it came from, allowing a reply to be routed back (amongst other things).

However, a sender IP address can be faked ('spoofed'), characterising a Spoofing attack. This disguises the origin of packets sent, e.g., in a Denial-of-service attack.


Filtering a packet is when the packet is not processed normally, but is denied in some way. The computer processing the packet might simply ignore the packet completely, or where it is possible it might send a packet back to the sender saying the packet is denied.

In ingress filtering, packets coming into the network are filtered if the network sending it should not send packets from IP addresses of the originating computer.

In order to do ingress filtering, the network needs to know which IP addresses each of the networks it is connected to may send. This is not always possible. For instance, a network that has a single connection to the Internet has no way to know if a packet coming from that connection is spoofed or not.

Edge networks, whether multi-homed or not, usually have a limited number of address blocks in use. Such edge networks should filter packets leaving their networks, verifying that the source IP address in all packets is within the allocated address blocks. Enterprises, universities and others who run edge networks should be doing this. The purpose is to prevent computers on your network from spoofing (acting as another). Implementation for edge networks of egress packets in this way is very simple and should be done with access lists.


Network ingress filtering is a packet filtering technique used by many Internet service providers to try to prevent source address spoofing of Internet traffic, and thus indirectly combat various types of net abuse by making Internet traffic traceable to its source.

Network ingress filtering is a "good neighbor" policy which relies on cooperation between ISPs for their mutual benefit.

The best current practice for network ingress filtering is documented by the Internet Engineering Task Force in BCP 38, which is currently defined by RFC 2827.

BCP 38 recommends that upstream providers of IP connectivity filter packets entering their networks from downstream customers, and discard any packets which have a source address which is not allocated to that customer.

There are many possible ways of implementing this policy; one common mechanism is to enable reverse path forwarding on links to customers, which will indirectly apply this policy based on the provider's route filtering of their customers' route announcements.

See also

External links

  • RFC 2827 - Network Ingress Filtering: Defeating Denial of Service Attacks which employ IP Source Address Spoofing
  • RFC 2827 (BCP 38)

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