



Here were two historical Prime Ministers of Greece and his relatives that had the name Zaimis (Greek: Ζαΐμης):

*Alexandros Zaimis (prime minister of Greece five times in the late 1890s and the early-20th century)
*Androutsos Zaimis, took part in 1751 against the Turks
*Andreas Zaimis, a Greek minister, a soldier for the Greek War of Independence and a patriot
*Andreas Zaimis, Achaia politician
*Asimakos Zaimis (politician)
*Dimitrios Zaimis, revolutrionary leader
*Filippos Zaimis, chief of Kalavryta
*Fokion Zaimis, politician
*Ioannis Zaimis (first mayor of the city of Patras from 1836 to 1837)
*Konstantinos Zaimis, politician
*Panagiotis Zaimis
*Theodoros Saimis, politician and doctor
*Thrasivoulos Zaimis, Prime minister of Greece several times in the 1870s


There are several streets around Greece that are named after the famous members of Zaimis:

*Patras (see article)

ee also

*Zaimis family

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