- Minify
Minify, in computer
programming languages , is the process of removing all unnecessary characters fromsource code , without changing its functionality. These unnecessary characters usually include white space characters, new line characters, comments and sometimes block delimiters; which are used to add readability to the code, but are not required for it to execute.Minified source code is specially useful for
interpreted language s deployed and transmitted on the Internet (such asJavaScript ), because it reduces the amount of data that needs to be transferred. Minified source code may also be used as a kind of obfuscation. In Perl culture, aiming at extremely minified source code is the purpose of Perl golf game.See also
Copy protection
*Reverse engineering External links
* [http://www.crockford.com/javascript/jsmin.html JSMin] - The JavaScript minifier. A tool for minifying JavaScript source code.
* [http://sf.net/projects/packtag pack:tag] - A JSP Taglib for minifingJavaScript and CSS on the fly (with caching, combination and compressing (gzip )) ( [http://www.galan.de/projects/packtag Official Dokumentation] ).
* [http://js-optimizer.sourceforge.net JSO] - JSO(JavaScript Optimizer) is a project that allow you to manage easily yourJavaScript and CSS resources and to reduce the amount of data transferred between the server and the client.
* [https://jawr.dev.java.net JAWR] - A library for Java web applications that joins javascript files and then minifies and compresses them, fostering a modular approach to development. Its main benefit is that developers can switch from the joined, compressed form to separate and uncompressed versions of the scripts, whithout the need to change the pages.
* [http://code.google.com/p/minify/ Minify] - APHP library that combines, minifies, and caches JavaScript and CSS files on the fly.
* [http://dojotoolkit.org/docs/shrinksafe JS Dojo Minifier]
* [http://www.digitaloverload.co.uk/jsmin/ Online JavaScript minifier tool] - An interface allowing you to upload your javascript files to get the minified version on submission.
* [http://www.jscompress.com/ Minify JavaScript Online] - Compress your JavaScript online with the JSMin algorithm (direct copy/paste into textarea).
* [http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/ Yahoo! UI Library: YUI Compressor] - Compress your JavaScript and CSS using this Java application from the Yahoo! team.
* [http://farhadi.ir/works/smartoptimizer SmartOptimizer] - AnotherPHP library that combines, minifies, caches JavaScript and CSS files and also embeds CSS images on the fly.
* [http://shygypsy.com/cssCompress/ CSS Compressor] - Free online tool for minifying CSS code
* [http://code.google.com/p/fastcssloader/ FastCSSLoader] - Simple PHP Script to minify and send together all CSS files contained in a folder
* [http://jcay.com/id-190119110113039.html JavaScript Code Improver] - Reverse minify and obfuscate Javascript code
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