Yellow-footed Gull

Yellow-footed Gull

name = Yellow-footed Gull
status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Charadriiformes
familia = Laridae
genus = "Larus"
species = "L. livens"
binomial = "Larus livens"
binomial_authority = (Dwight, 1919, San José Island, Lower California)

The Yellow-footed Gull, "Larus livens", is a large gull, closely related to the Western Gull and thought to be a subspecies until the 1960s.

Adults are similar in appearance to the Western Gull with a white head, dark, slate-colored back and wings, and a thick yellow bill. Its legs are yellow, though first winter birds do display pink legs like those of the Western Gull. It attains full plumage at three years of age. The gull measures 21-23 inches (53-58 centimeters).

Yellow-footed Gulls are native to the Gulf of California in Mexico. Most individuals are non-migratory, but an increasing number have been traveling to California's Salton Sea during nonbreeding periods. The population is estimated at about 60,000 and appears to be stable.

Their breeding habitat is the Gulf of California, where they nest either independently or in colonies. The birds are scavengers as well as foragers, feeding on small fish and invertebrates and preying upon seabird chicks and eggs.


* Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern
* "National Geographic" "Field Guide to the Birds of North" "America" ISBN 0-7922-6877-6
*" Seabirds, an Identification Guide" by Peter Harrison, (1983) ISBN 0-7470-1410-8
*"Handbook of the Birds of the World Vol 3", Josep del Hoyo editor, ISBN 84-87334-10-5*"National Audubon Society" "The Sibley Guide to Birds", by David Allen Sibley, ISBN 0-679-45122-6Bold text

External links

* [ Audubon: Yellow-footed Gull]
* [ YELLOW-FOOTED GULL (Larus livens)]

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