Important works of higher classification (insects)

Important works of higher classification (insects)

Higher classification, that is above (present day) generic level was a key theme of early entomology.

Different authors had very different views of what constituted a correct classification.

Many major groupings were often first identified as genera.

Because the names of higher level taxa are subject to the Principle of Priority (the first used name being the correct one to use now) the works in which these names first appear are of fundamental importance.

Although the works represent a progression of thinking not all the newer systems are better than the older ones.

Important early works are:

*Latreille P.A. 1802-1805. "Histoire naturelle, générale et particuliere des Crustacés et des Insectes". - Paris., T.4-14 [ Latreille's 1802 Classification]

*Dumeril C. A.-M. 1806. "Analitische Zoologie. Aus dem Franz., mit Zusatzen von L.F. Froriep". - Weimar, Verl. des Lendes-Industrie-Comptoirs: 1-343 [ Dumeril's 1806 Classification]

*Burmeister H. 1835-1855. "Handbuch der Entomologie". Bd.2. Besondere Entomologie. Abt.1. Schnabelkerfe. Rhynchota (1835). Abt.2. Kaukerfe. Gymnognatha. Hf.1. Vulgo Orthoptera (1838: 397-756). Hf.2. Vulgo Neuroptera (1839: 757-1050). Bd.3 (1842), Bd. 4, Abt. 1 (1844); Bd. 4, Abt. 2 (1855); Bd. 5 (1847) - Coleoptera Lamellicornia.Note the different dates of the parts. [ Burmeister's Classification]

*Amyot C.-J.-B. 1848. "Entomologie Francaise. Rhynchotes. Methode mononymique". - Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, Libraire de l'Acad. Roy. Med.: 1-504, 5 pl. [ Amyot's 1848 classification]

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