- Bernard II Tumapaler of Gascony
Bernard II Tumapaler (or "Tumpaler", Gascon: "Bernat", Spanish: "Bernardo"; circa 1020 – between 1064 and 1090) was
Duke of Gascony from 1039 to 1052 andCount of Armagnac from 1020 to 1061.Bernard was the son of Adalais, daughter of
William V of Aquitaine and Prisca, and Girard I Trancaleon, whom he succeeded in Armagnac. Prisca was a daughter ofWilliam II of Gascony and it was through her that Bernard inherited his Gascon claim. Prisca's claim was passed to her son Odo on the death of her brother Sancho VI in 1032. Bernard was recognised duke in turn on the death of his uncle Odo in 1039, but probably only in the southern regions and not in the region aroundBordeaux . Later his title to Gascony was contested by his uncle Guy Geoffrey, younger half-brother of Odo, but not descended from William II. Guy Geoffrey, however, was married to Garsenda, daughter ofAldabert II of Périgord and Alausia, the second daughter of the late Sancho VI.Eventually, after a protracted fight, Bernard was defeated at the
Battle of La Castelle (fought betweenCazères andGrenade on theAdour ) and had to relinquish Gascony to Guy Geoffrey for 15,000 "sou s". However, by then the title was almost empty, as most of Gascony had been dismembered and parcelled out asappanage s, being in the hand of the counts ofBéarn ,Bigorre ,Armagnac ,Comminges ,Astarac . Guy Geoffrey had only conquered a rump Gascony. Bernard fought thearchbishop of Auch , partisan of Guy Geoffrey. He abdicated from Gascony before4 May 1052 and Armagnac by 1061. He may have enterred a monastery. In May 1063, he led a rebellion of the Gascon barons against Guy Geoffrey, who had inherited theDuchy of Aquitaine in the meanwhile, but was soundly defeated and Gascony firmly bound to Aquitaine. He disappeared from history, but is not surely dead until 1090.He married Ermengard and had two sons, Arnold and Girard, who altogether made a joint donation to the
Abbey of Cluny in 1049. [ [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/GASCONY.htm FMG] ] His daughter Gisela marriedCentule V of Béarn .Notes
*Higounet, Charles. "Bordeaux pendant le haut moyen age". Bordeaux, 1963.
* [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/GASCONY.htm Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Gascony.]
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