Argentinisches Tageblatt

Argentinisches Tageblatt

"Argentinisches Tageblatt" (lit. 'Argentine Daily') is a weekly newspaper published every Saturday in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The newspaper was founded by a Swiss immigrant Johann Alemann and his son Moritz von Berne in 1878. It was first published as the "Argentinisches Wochenblatt". Together with his other sons, Theodor and Ernst, he then published the daily newspaper "Argentinisches Tageblatt" in 1889. The weekly "Wochenblatt" appeared as a weekend section of the newspaper until 1967. In 1981, despite its name, the "Argentinisches Tageblatt" was changed to a weekly newspaper due to economic reasons.

The "Argentinisches Tageblatt" was one of the many newspapers banned by the Nazis during the period of the Third Reich. Possession of the paper was forbidden throughout the territory of the Third Reich while Hitler was in power, due to its leftist stance.

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