

Visitation may refer to:

In law:

* In United States Law, the term for the right of a non-custodial parent to visit with their children, elsewhere known as Contact (law)

* An official visit, usually for purposes of inspection, and the record of that visit. Both in English and Spanish (colonial) history. In religion:

* The Visitation, a Christian liturgical feast day (31 May or 2 July) commemorating the visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Elizabeth as recorded in the Gospel of Luke 1:39-56.

* Tablet of Visitation refers to specific prayers used in Islam and the Bahá'í Faith while visiting the shrines of its founders, saints or martyrs.

* Canonical visitation is an inspection made by a clergyman authorised under canon law, such as an archbishop, bishop, or archdeacon.

* a Funeral Visitation, in the United States and Canada, a funeral custom where a mourner visits the deceased person's family and views the body lying in the casket, either at a funeral home or church.

In history:

*Heraldic visitations were made to establish the right of a person to bear arms, and are used today in genealogical research.

In popular culture:

* The Visitation (book) a 1999 contemporary Christian novel by Frank Peretti.

* The Visitation (film) a 2006 film based upon the above book.


* Supernatural Visitation, an experience of presence or communication between the recently deceased and their spouse or progeny

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  • Visitation — (lat. visitare „besuchen“) heißt in vielen Gerichts , Kirchen und Ordensverfassungen der Besuch eines Oberen mit Aufsichtsbefugnis zum Zweck der Bestandsaufnahme und Normenkontrolle. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Römisch katholische Kirche 1.1… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • visitation — [ vizitasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1611; « visite » XIIe; lat. ecclés. visitatio ♦ Relig. cathol. Visite que fit la Sainte Vierge à sainte Élisabeth, alors enceinte de saint Jean Baptiste; fête commémorant cet événement (le 31 mai). Par ext. Tableau… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Visitation — Vis it*a tion, n. [L. visitatio: cf. F. visitation.] 1. The act of visiting, or the state of being visited; access for inspection or examination. [1913 Webster] Nothing but peace and gentle visitation. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Specifically: The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • visitation — vis·i·ta·tion /ˌvi zə tā shən/ n 1: an official visit (as for inspection) visitation of the home of a neglected child 2: access to a child granted esp. to a parent who does not have custody supervised visitation visitation rights …   Law dictionary

  • visitation — Visitation. s. f. v. Il n est en usage qu en cette phrase. La visitation de la Vierge. la feste de la visitation, Instituée en memoire de ce que la sainte Vierge visita sainte Elisabeth sa cousine. Il y a un Ordre de Religieuses qu on appelle l… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • visitation — once a formal word for visit, is now largely confined to special meanings such as official visits of inspection and an affliction attributed to some supernatural agency or other. In AmE visitation also refers to the right granted by a court to a… …   Modern English usage

  • visitation — Visitation, Visitatio. Hantement de gens, ou visitation et assemblement d hommes, Congresþsus …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • visitation — ► NOUN 1) an official or formal visit. 2) the appearance of a divine or supernatural being. 3) US Law a divorced person s right to spend time with their children in the custody of a former spouse. 4) a disaster or difficulty regarded as a divine… …   English terms dictionary

  • visitation — [viz΄ə tā′shən] n. [OFr < L visitatio] 1. the act or an instance of visiting; esp., an official visit to inspect or examine, as that made by a bishop to a church in his diocese 2. a visiting of reward or, esp., punishment, as by God 3. any… …   English World dictionary

  • Visitation — (v. lat.), 1) die genaue Untersuchung einer Sache od. Person, daher z.B. die Untersuchung, welche mit der Person eines Gefangenen bei dessen Einlieferung in ein Gefangenhaus stattfindet, od. die Untersuchung aller verdächtiger Orte u. Gegenstände …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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