Google Base

Google Base

Google Base is an online database provided by Google into which any user can add almost any type of content, such as text, images, and structured information in formats like XML, PDF, Excel, RTF, Word Perfect. As of 2008, it is available to the public as a beta version.If Google finds it relevant it may appear on its shopping search engine, Google Maps or even the web search.The piece of content can then be labeled with attributes like the ingredients for a recipe or the camera model for stock photography.As of 2008, the user interface is available in English and German.Because information about the service was leaked before public release, it generated much interest in the information technology community prior to release. Google subsequently responded on their blog with an [ official statement] :

:"You may have seen stories today reporting on a new product that we're testing, and speculating about our plans. Here's what's really going on. We are testing a new way for content owners to submit their content to Google, which we hope will complement existing methods such as our web crawl and Google Sitemaps. We think it's an exciting product, and we'll let you know when there's more news."

A major component of Google Base is acting like a online classified ads service, such as Craigslist. However it has also been used for such items as protein structures, current events, real estate, recipes, people profiles, and more.

ee also

*List of Google services and tools
*Resources of a Resource - ROR
*Base Feeder - Software to create bulk submission Google Base Feeds

External links

* [ Google Base]
** [ About Google Base]
* [ Official Google Base Blog]
* [ Google Blogoscoped report]
* [ Search Engine Watch Report]
* [ Search Engine Roundtable Report]
* [ Official Google Blog Press Release]
* [ Windows based Google Base Bulk Uploader]
* [ Using Google Analytics to Track Google Base Visitors]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Google Base — es una base de datos online de Google en la que cualquiera puede añadir cualquier tipo de contenido. En 2005, hay disponible una versión beta, sin embargo el resto de servicios de Google no tienen información ni enlace a Google Base. Dado que la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Google Base — Google Base  предполагается, что это будет огромная база данных, в которую каждый пользователь Google может добавлять любое содержимое. Это может быть все, что угодно, от объявлений о продаже старых книг до автомобилей. Все элементы будут… …   Википедия

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  • Base Feeder — is a Microsoft Windows based utility to create Atom and RSS XML feed files for submission to Google Base.To bulk submit items, submitters need to create and submitted a specially formatted XML file. One can use software like Base Feeder to create …   Wikipedia

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