- Grammostola
name = "Grammostola"
image_width = 240px
image_caption = Male "Grammostola rosea"
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropod a
classis =Arachnid a
ordo = Araneae
familia = "Theraphosidae "
subfamilia =Theraphosinae
genus = "Grammostola"
genus_authority = Simon, 1892
diversity_link = List of Theraphosidae species#Grammostola
diversity = 19 species
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = see text"Grammostola" is a
genus of the familyTheraphosidae containing variousspecies oftarantula s. The genus is native to tropicalSouth America .They are usually brown with pinkish hairs, although some may have darker hair with orangish-red, and usually medium to large in size.
The very docile "G. rosea" is a popular beginner's spider for pet spider enthusiasts.
* "
Grammostola actaeon " (Pocock, 1903) — Brazil, Uruguay (Brazilian red-rump)
* "Grammostola alticeps " (Pocock, 1903) — Uruguay (Brazilian Greysmoke)
* "Grammostola aureostriata " Schmidt & Bullmer, 2001 — Paraguay, Argentina (Chaco Golden Knee)
* "Grammostola burzaquensis " Ibarra, 1946 — Argentina (Argentinian Rose)
* "Grammostola chalcothrix " Chamberlin, 1917 — Argentina (Argentina Bronze)
* "Grammostola doeringi " (Holmberg, 1881) — Argentina
* "Grammostola fossor " Schmidt, 2001 — Argentina
* "Grammostola gossei " (Pocock, 1899) — Argentina
* "Grammostola grossa " (Ausserer, 1871) — Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina (Pampas Tawny-red)
* "Grammostola iheringi " (Keyserling, 1891) — Brazil (Entre Rios)
* "Grammostola inermis " Mello-Leitão, 1941 — Argentina
* "Grammostola mendozae " (Strand, 1907) — Argentina
* "Grammostola mollicoma " (Ausserer, 1875) — Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina (Brazilian Tawny-red)
* "Grammostola monticola " (Strand, 1907) — Bolivia
* "Grammostola porteri " (Mello-Leitão, 1936) — Chile
* "Grammostola pulchra " Mello-Leitão, 1921 — Brazil (Brazilian Black)
* "Grammostola rosea " (Walckenaer, 1837) — Bolivia, Chile, Argentina (Chilean Rose)
* "Grammostola schulzei " (Schmidt, 1994) — Argentina
* "Grammostola vachoni " Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1961 — ArgentinaGallery
"Grammostola" as pets
The Chilean rose "(Grammostola rosea)" is a common pet, because its behavior is generally docile and its venom is harmless unless the victim has an allergy. It needs moderate humidity and feeds on other
invertebrate s. The Chaco golden knee ("Grammostola aureostriata ") is an increasingly popular pet tarantula as well.Resources
* [http://user.tninet.se/~jnr359j/erk%20arter.html tarantula checklist]
* [http://spiderpharm.com/Species/Grammostola.htm]
* Photos of [http://www.spidy.goliathus.com/english/tarantula.php?species=Grammostola Grammostola] species in [http://www.spidy.goliathus.com/english/gallery-tarantulas.php tarantulas gallery] .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.