Alarm indication signal

Alarm indication signal

Alarm indication signal (AIS) is a signal transmitted by a system that is part of a concatenated telecommunications system to let the receiver know that some remote part of the end-to-end link has failed at a logical or physical level, even if the system it is directly connected to is still working. Other systems attached to a system transmitting AIS then relay the AIS indication onwards to other systems.

There are a number of types of AIS signals, which signal failure of different logical or physical segments of the system, including:
* Alarm indication signal path (AIS-P)
* Alarm indication signal line (AIS-L)

Middle 20th century analog carrier systems had Carrier Group Alarms by which the failure of a pilot signal was alerted to telephone exchange equipment, imposing an automated make-busy condition so the trunks carried by the failed system would not be used. The improved AIS originated with the T-carrier system, and became a standard feature of subsequent plesiochronous and synchronous circuit-based communication systems, and is also part of the ATM standards.As the use of Ethernet for long-distance data links has increased, the need for a similar end-to-end OA&M function has led to the development of a similar Ethernet alarm indication signal (EthAIS).

See also

* concatenation (telecommunications)

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