- TI-59
The TI-59 was an early
programmable calculator , manufactured byTexas Instruments from 1977. It was one of the first LED calculators with the capability and flexibility to take on many real-world calculation challenges, and quickly became popular with professionals in many fields.The calculator could be powered from an external
adapter or from its internal NiCd rechargeable battery pack.Display
The red LED display showed 10 decimal digits of precision.
Programming simple problems with the TI-59 was a very straightforward process. In programming mode, the TI-59 simply recorded key presses. Alphabetical keys provided easy access to up to ten entry points.
However, exploiting the computerlike capabilities of the TI-59 was a different matter. Although the TI-59 was Turing-complete, supporting straight-line programming, conditions, loops, and indirect access to memory registers, and although it supported limited alphanumeric output on the printer only, writing sophisticated routines was essentially a matter of planning machine language and using a coding pad.
A large degree of sharing occurred in the TI-59 and
TI-58 C community.Programming example
Here is a sample program that computes the factorial of an integer number from 2 to 69. For 5!, you'll type 5 A and get the result, 120.
Op-code Comment LBL A "You'll call the program with the A key" STO 01 "stores the value in register 1" 1 "starts with 1" LBL B "label for the loop" * "multiply" RCL 01 "by n" DSZ 1 B "décrements n and back to B until n=0" = "end of loop, the machine has calculated 1*n*(n-1)*...2*1=n!" INV SBR "end of procedure"
Here is the same program written for TI Compiler "(see external links)":
#reg 01 counter #label A factorial LBL factorial STO counter 1 FOR counter * @counter LOOP = RTN #end
In comparison to its contemporary main competitor, Hewlett-Packard's
HP-67 , the TI-59 had an extremely large memory of up to 960 user program steps or 100 memories (adjustable between the two, in steps). Contents of this memory were lost, when the calculator was turned off.Magnetic card reader
Programs and data could be stored on small magnetic cards when the calculator was turned off and quickly reloaded when needed. Click for a video of the card reader in action.
Solid State Software Library
The TI-59 was the first calculator to utilize removable ROM program modules. The Master Library Module ROM was included with the TI-59, and contained several useful pre-programmed routines and even a game. Additional modules - for such applications as
real estate ,investment ,statistics ,surveying andaviation - were sold separately.Printer
Also available for the TI-59 was a
thermal printer (the PC100C); the calculator was mounted on top of the printer.External links
* [http://www.ti59.com TI-59 homepage] maintained by
Dejan Ristanovic
* [http://www.rskey.org/tidocs.htm TI-59 library] maintained by Viktor Toth
* [http://mycalcdb.free.fr/main.php?l=0&id=1773 TI-59] on [http://mycalcdb.free.fr MyCalcDB] (database about 70's and 80's pocket calculators)
* [http://www.ti59.com/30years.htm TI-59 birthday] Short article published on the TI-59's 30th birthday
* [http://pagesperso-orange.fr/gtello/ti58_f.htm Utilisateur TI, programmes en ligne, page de TI Compiler]
* [http://pagesperso-orange.fr/gtello/ti58_e.htm TI User, programs on line, TI Compiler page.]
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