- Romance tours
Romance tours, are tours usually arranged by a
mail-order bride agency or other cyber matchmaking service, that men take in search of a bride.Cite web|url=http://www.azcentral.com/ent/dating/articles/1015aforeignaffair15-CP.html|title=Marriage Brokers Scrutinized|accessdate=2008-02-19|year=2005-10-15|author=Craig Harris|work=The Arizona Republic] Upon arrival at their destination, the men and potential brides are thrown a large "meet and greet" social to get to know one another and meet as many people as possible.Cite web|url=http://www.fredericksburg.com/News/FLS/2006/072006/07302006/209354|title=A Sad Tale of Mail-order Brides and the Abuse Some of them Suffer|accessdate=2008-02-19|year=2006-07-30|work=The Free Lance-Star] The agency then arranges "one on one" dates between the man and the women he found most compatible. The ultimate goal of the tour is for the man to find a compatible wife for himself.Romance tours are just one part of the mail order bride business, which may also include catalogs, CD-ROMs and the Internet.Cite web|url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D07E2DF143FF937A25751C0A961958260|title=Video Valentines to Russia, Seeking Patient Brides|accessdate=2008-02-19|year=1997-02-14|author=Alessandra Stanley|work=The New York Times] The traditional romance tour, seen by some as superficial, is being somewhat replaced by the internet as technology evolves.
Romance tours should not be confused with
sex tourism : the ultimate goal of a sex tourist is usually not marriage.ee also
Female sex tourism
* Mail Order BridesReferences
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