Beppe Fenoglio

Beppe Fenoglio

Beppe Fenoglio (born Giuseppe Fenoglio 1 March 1922, Alba (CN) - 18 February 1963, Turin) was an Italian writer. His work was published in a critical edition after his death, but controversy remains about his book "Il partigiano Johnny" (translated as "Johny the Partisan"), often considered his best work, which was published posthumously (and incomplete) in 1968.

The works of Fenoglio have two main themes: the rural world of the Langhe and the partisan war; equally, the writer has two styles: the chronicle and the "epos". His first work was in the neorealist style: "La paga del sabato" (this was published posthumously too, in 1969)

The novel was turned down by Elio Vittorini who advised Fenoglio to carve out stories and then incorporate them into the "I ventitré giorni della città di Alba" ("The twenty-three days of the city of Alba") (1952). These stories were a chronicle of the Italian Partisans or of rural life. One of such works was "La malora" (1954), a long story in the style of Giovanni Verga.


* "L'affare dell'anima e altri racconti "
* "Appunti partigiani : '44-'45"
* "Una crociera agli antipodi e altri racconti fantastici"
*" Un giorno di fuoco"
* "L'imboscata"
* "Lettere : 1940-1962"
* "La paga del sabato"
*" Il partigiano Johnny"
* "La malora"
* "Primavera di bellezza : romanzo"
* "Una questione privata"
* "I ventitré giorni della città di Alba"

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