

Bissext, or bissextus (Lat. "bis", twice; "sextus", sixth), theday intercalated by the Julian calendar in the February of everyfourth year to make up the six hours by which the solar year wascomputed to exceed the year of 365 days. The day was insertedafter 24 February, "i.e." the sixth day before the calends(1st) of March; there was consequently, besides the "sextus", orsixth before the calends, the "bis-sextus" or "second sixth," our
25 February. In modern usage, with the exception of
ecclesiastical calendars, the intercalary day is added for convenienceat the end of the month, and years in which February has twenty nine days are called "bissextile," or leap-years.



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  • bissextus — /buy seks teuhs, bi /, n. February 29th: the extra day added to the Julian calendar every fourth year (except those evenly divisible by 400) to compensate for the approximately six hours a year by which the common year of 365 days falls short of… …   Universalium

  • bissextus — /buy seks teuhs, bi /, n. February 29th: the extra day added to the Julian calendar every fourth year (except those evenly divisible by 400) to compensate for the approximately six hours a year by which the common year of 365 days falls short of… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • bissextus — February 29th, the day added in leap years in the Julian calendar …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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