Jupe — has several meanings:* Jupe is a term used in Internet Relay Chat networks. * Jupe is also the designation of one of the subdivisions of the Comanche tribe. * Several articles of clothing are called jupe: ** In modern English, jupe usually refers … Wikipedia
jupe — (n.) late 13c., men s loose jacket, from O.Fr. jupe, from Arabic jubbah loose outer garment. As a woman s bodice, from 1810 … Etymology dictionary
jacket — Synonyms and related words: Eton jacket, Leatherette, Leatheroid, Mao jacket, Smyth sewing, backing, bandage, bandaging, bark, bibliopegy, binder, binder board, binding, blazer, blouse, body coat, bolero, bomber jacket, bonnet, book cloth, book… … Moby Thesaurus
jupe — Jupon Ju*pon , Juppon Jup*pon , n. [F. jupon, fr. jupe skirt, Sp. aljuba a Moorish garment, Ar. jubba.] [Written variously {jupe}, {jump}, {juppo}, etc.] [1913 Webster] 1. A sleeveless jacket worn over the armor in the 14th century. It fitted… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
jupe — 1. noun /ʒuːp/ a) A style of skirt. b) A style of short jacket, usually for a woman or child. See Also: jupe panel 2. verb /ʒuːp/ To block a server … Wiktionary
jupe — ˈjüp noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English juype, from Old French jupe, from Arabic jubbah 1. chiefly Scotland : a man s coat, jacket, or tunic 2. [French] chiefly Scotland … Useful english dictionary
jupon — /ˈʒupɒn/ (say zhoohpon) noun a close fitting tunic, usually padded and bearing heraldic arms, worn over armour. {Middle English jupone, from French jupon, from jupe jacket, from Arabic jubbah} …
smoking — [ smɔkiŋ ] n. m. • 1890; angl. smoking jacket « veste d intérieur », proprt « pour fumer » ♦ Veston de cérémonie en drap et à revers de soie que les hommes portent lorsque l habit n est pas de rigueur. Costume composé de ce veston, du pantalon à… … Encyclopédie Universelle
jaquette — [ ʒakɛt ] n. f. • 1375; de 1. jaque I ♦ 1 ♦ Vx Jaque; robe d enfant. 2 ♦ (1832) Vêtement masculin de cérémonie à pans ouverts descendant jusqu aux genoux. ⇒ habit. Être en jaquette. « jaquette noire, bordée; pantalon rayé » (Romains). Loc. arg.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
List of fashion topics — This is a list of topics related to fashion, many of which do not yet have Wikipedia articles. NOTOC 0 9 1300 1400 in fashion 1500 1550 in fashion 1600 1650 in fashion 1700 1750 in fashion 1795 1820 in fashion 20th century fashion A A line A line … Wikipedia