- Equivariant cohomology
mathematics , equivariant cohomology is a theory fromalgebraic topology which applies to spaces with a "group action". It can be viewed as a common generalization ofgroup cohomology and an ordinarycohomology theory .Specifically, given a group (discrete or not), a
topological space and an action:
equivariant cohomology determines a
graded ring :
the "equivariant cohomology ring". If is the
trivial group , this is just the ordinarycohomology ring of , whereas if iscontractible , it reduces to the group cohomology of .Outline construction
Equivariant cohomology can be constructed as the ordinary cohomology of a suitable space determined by and , called the "homotopy
orbit space ": of
on . (The 'h' distinguishes it from the ordinary
orbit space .)If is the trivial group this space will turn out to be just itself, whereas if is contractible the space will be a
classifying space for .Properties of the homotopy orbit space
* If is a free action then
* If is a trivial action then
* In particular (as a special case of either of the above) if is trivial thenConstruction of the homotopy orbit space
The homotopy orbit space is a “homotopically correct” version of the
orbit space (the quotient of by its -action) in which is first replaced by a larger buthomotopy equivalent space so that the action is guaranteed to be free.To this end, construct the
universal bundle for and recall that has a free -action. Then the product —which is homotopy equivalent to since is contractible—has a “diagonal” -action defined by taking the -action on each factor: moreover, this action is free since it is free on . So we define the homotopy orbit space to be the orbit space of this -action.This construction is denoted by
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