RADITE — Red Automática Digital Integrada Táctica del Ejército (International » Spanish) … Abbreviations dictionary
RADITE — abr. Red Automбtica Digital Integrada Tбctica del Ejйrcito … Diccionario de Abreviaturas de la Lengua Española
Sheaffer — is a brand of pens owned by the BIC Corporation.Sheaffer is a pen company that manufactures writing instruments including ballpoint, fountain and rollerball pens and mechanical pencils. Sheaffer is famous for making fountain pens, especially the… … Wikipedia
And you are lynching Negroes — ( ru. А у вас негров линчуют; literally but at your [place they are] lynching negroes ) is a phrase known in several Eastern European and Southeast European countries (see below) referring to the use of the rhetorical device known as Tu quoque (… … Wikipedia
Duofold — squarely into the front rank of fountain pen manufacturers.The original full sized Duofold was soon joined by the smaller Duofold Junior, Duofold Special, and Lady Duofold. While the Junior and special could also be fitted with Parkers Washer… … Wikipedia
Serbo-Croatian grammar — Serbo Croatian is a South Slavic language with moderately complex verbal and nominal systems. This article deals exclusively with the Neo Shtokavian dialect, the basis for the official standard of Yugoslavia and its present day forms of Bosnian,… … Wikipedia
Duofold (pen) — Parker Duofold pens from a 1920s magazine advertisement The Parker Duofold is a range of fountain pens produced by the Parker Pen Company The first model was produced in 1921 and was a large pen, 5.5 inches long when capped, and made of a… … Wikipedia
Isdefe (Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España) — Isdefe, Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España S.A., es una sociedad mercantil de titularidad pública creada en septiembre de 1985, por acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros, que ofrece servicios de ingeniería, consultoría estratégica,… … Wikipedia Español
jȃko — pril. 〈komp. jȁčē〉 1. {{001f}}snažno [∼ udariti; ∼ padati (o kiši)] 2. {{001f}}izraženo u velikoj mjeri [∼ dobar/dobro; ∼ lijep/lijepo; ∼ pametan/pametno] 3. {{001f}}pril. u dijaloškoj situaciji (na pitanje kao »je li vam bilo lijepo?«, »radite… … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
ráditi — nesvrš. 〈prez. rȃdīm, pril. sad. rádēći, prid. trp. rȃđen, gl. im. ráđēnje〉 1. {{001f}}(što) a. {{001f}}obavljati posao, sustavno ulagati napore da se postigne neki rezultat b. {{001f}}biti zauzet poslom, biti angažiran na poslu [∼ kao konj… … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika