Game & Watch Gallery series

Game & Watch Gallery series

The "Game & Watch Gallery" series is composed of collections of some of Nintendo's original Game & Watch titles remade with characters from the "Super Mario Bros." games. Known in Japan and Australia as the "Game Boy Gallery" series, four installments have been released, each for various incarnations of Nintendo's portable systems, like Game Boy and Game Boy Advance. In many cases, the mini-games ported onto these collections exist in their graphically upgraded forms as well as their original ones. Also, the titles often feature actual galleries explaining the history of the Game & Watch system and the various games released for it. The first three titles in the series also feature Super Game Boy borders which mimic the original Game & Watch casing designs.

"Game Boy Gallery"

"Game Boy Gallery" was released in Europe and Australia in the year 1994 for the Game Boy.

*Ball - A toy Mario Juggles three Balls. You only get one chance.
*Vermin - Exterminate the moles as fast as you can with three chances.
*Flagman - Match the same number flag as the computer.
*Manhole - Save The pedestrians from falling into the sewers.
*Cement Factory - Known as Mario's Cement Factory in the U.S. Move cement to the truck by pulling a series of levers.

"Game & Watch Gallery"

"Game & Watch Gallery", known in Japan as nihongo|"Game Boy Gallery"|ゲームボーイギャラリー|Gēmu Bōi Gyararii, was released in 1997 for the Game Boy, this is the first of the series in Japan and North America and by far the most common. It features four games. It is known in the US and Europe as "Game & Watch Gallery", in Australia as "Game Boy Gallery 2".

* Manhole - Mario, Toad and Donkey Kong Jr. are walking across a platform. Players control Yoshi and must maneuver him in order to hold a manhole up to various gaps in the platform so that the characters do not fall.
* Oil Panic - Mario must catch leaking oil with a bucket, then dump it out the window to Yoshi.
* Octopus - Mario swims for treasure but must avoid an octopus' moving tentacles.
* Fire - Peach's castle is burning and Toad, Yoshi and Donkey Kong Jr. are leaping out to escape. Players control Mario and Luigi, who hold a tarp and must bounce their friends to safety.

Players can also choose to play these games in their original form, playing as the character who eventually became known as Mr. Game & Watch. The games play basically the same in their original versions.

"Game & Watch Gallery 2"

"Game & Watch Gallery 2", known in Japan as nihongo|"Game Boy Gallery 2"|ゲームボーイギャラリー2|Gēmu Bōi Gyararii 2, is the sequel to "Game & Watch Gallery". It was first developed by Nintendo and released on November 1st 1998 for the Game Boy Color. This game is known by many names, like nihongo|"Game Boy Gallery 2"|ゲームボーイギャラリー2|Gēmu Bōi Gyararii 2 in Japan, and as "Game Boy Gallery 3" in Australia. It has six games in total.

* Parachute - Mario must catch Toad, baby Yoshi and Donkey Kong Jr. as they continuosly float down the screen with their parachutes.
* Helmet - Mario (Wario if you get three misses) must walk across the screen, dodging falling hammers, spiked balls and ghost-like things and collect coins which eventually slow him down.
* Chef - Peach must flip different food items with her pan and feed them to Yoshi.
* Vermin - Yoshi must protect six eggs from predatory Koopa Paratroopas, Fly Guys and Boos.
* Donkey Kong - A remake of the Game & Watch version of the "Donkey Kong" arcade game. Peach substitutes for Pauline in the remake version, though Pauline still appears in the original.
* Ball - Yoshi must juggle two to three eggs. This game must be unlocked.

"Game & Watch Gallery 3"

"Game & Watch Gallery 3", known in Japan as nihongo|"Game Boy Gallery 3"|ゲームボーイギャラリー3|Gēmu Bōi Gyararii 3 and as "Game Boy Gallery 4" in Australia, is the third installment of the "Game & Watch Gallery series". It was released in 1999 for the Game Boy Color. It has a total of 11 games.

* Egg - Yoshi must eat cookies as they pop out of the oven. In the original, the player controls a wolf who must grab falling eggs laid by hens before they hit the ground.
* Greenhouse - Yoshi must protect his plants from Shyguys and monkeys by spitting watermelon seeds machine gun-style.
* Turtle Bridge - Toad must relay packages between Mario and Peach by using a bridge of Goonie Birds, who keep diving away at balloons that float by. In the original version, the player crossed a bridge made of turtles.
* Mario Bros. - Far different from the "Mario Bros." arcade title, this game has Mario and Luigi scurrying around to keep a series of cakes moving on a conveyor belt. Players control both Mario and Luigi with different buttons in both versions of the game.
* Donkey Kong Jr. - Also different from the arcade title of the same name, this game has players controlling Donkey Kong Jr. through various stages toward his father, who is trapped in a cage.

"Game & Watch Gallery 3" also includes five games that exist only in their original forms.

* Judge - Also a two-player game (requires two Game Boys and two copies of the game with this game unlocked)
* Flagman
* Lion
* Spitball Sparky
* Donkey Kong II
* Fire - A reversed version of the game included previously in the first "Game & Watch Gallery"

"Game & Watch Gallery 4"

The last of the series to date, this title was released for the Game Boy Advance on October 28, 2002 with an ESRB rating of "E for everyone." It is the second title in the series to feature two-player play, provided players have two Game Boy Advances and a Game Link cable. It also marks one of the last playable appearances to date by Donkey Kong Jr. Several of the games in this title, however, previously appeared in other installments of "Game & Watch Gallery".

* Donkey Kong 3 - A match between Mario and Donkey Kong, who try to direct a fireball and Boo towards each other by shooting bubbles. This game can also be played with two human players.
* Donkey Kong Jr. - A further graphical upgrade of the title featured in "Game & Watch Gallery 3".
* Fire Also in "Game & Watch Gallery" and "Game & Watch Gallery 3".
* Mario's Cement Factory - Mario must process cookie dough into ovens, then hand the cookies off to Yoshi and Toad. In the original version, Mario must deliver cement through the conver belt to a truck.
* Rain Shower - Players control Mario, who must pull on various clotheslines from which his friends are suspended in order to prevent them from getting splashed with paint balloons thrown by Bowser. In Hard mode, Waluigi moves the lines around occasionally.

* Boxing - Controlling Luigi, players must punch out a series of opponents — Wiggler, the Big Boo and Waluigi. This game can be played with two players. The original Game & Watch was released as "Punch-Out" in North America.The game also includes fourteen games that players can unlock by earning stars — rewards for playing other games well.
* Chef Also in "Game & Watch Gallery 2".
* Donkey Kong Also in "Game & Watch Gallery 2".
* Octopus Also in "Game & Watch Gallery".
* Fire Attack - the only unlockable game not in previous Game and Watch Galleries.
* Mario Bros. Also in "Game & Watch Gallery 3".

The following games are found in their original forms.
* Manhole Also in "Game & Watch Gallery".
* Tropical Fish
* Mario's Bombs Away
* Parachute Also in "Game & Watch Gallery 2".
* Bombsweeper
* Climber
* Safebuster
* Lifeboat
* Zelda

"Game & Watch Collection"

"Game & Watch Collection" is a Japan-only Nintendo DS game for Club Nintendo members. It is a compilation of three "Game & Watch" multi-screen games: "Donkey Kong", "Green House" and "Oil Panic". The games come with both Mode A and Mode B as well as the alarm feature, which can be accessed on the start screen. Unlike the other compilations, the games contained in this one are exact ports of the original versions. It was also released at Singapore's AMK Hub on 2007. This game is now available for all users, instead of purchase for Club Nintendo members only.

ee also

*Game & Watch
*List of Game & Watch games
*Mr. Game & Watch

External links

* [ The Official "Game & Watch Gallery 4" site.]
* [ Club Nintendo] - Shows current Club Nintendo prizes including Game & Watch Collection
* [ Guide to Game Boy] - All things Game Boy: News, reviews, history, culture and development. Updated several times a week.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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