Jürgen Trittin

Jürgen Trittin

Infobox Minister
honorific-prefix =
name = Jürgen Trittin
honorific-suffix =

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office = Federal Minister of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, GER
term_start = 27 October 1998
term_end = 22 November 2005
president =
primeminister = Gerhard Schröder
predecessor = Angela Merkel
successor = Sigmar Gabriel

office2 = Minister for Federal and European Affairs, Lower Saxony, Germany
term_start2 = 1990
term_end2 = 1994
president2 = Gerhard Schröder
primeminister2 =
predecessor2 =
successor2 =

birth_date = birth date and age|1954|7|25
birth_place = Bremen, Germany
death_date =
death_place =
nationality = German
party = Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
spouse =
partner =
relations =
children =
alma_mater = University of Göttingen
residence =
occupation =
profession =
religion =

website = [http://www.juergentrittin.de/ www.juergentrittin.de]
footnotes =

Jürgen Trittin (born July 25, 1954) is a German Green politician. He was Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety from 1998 to 2005 in Germany.

Life and work

Trittin was born in Bremen. He earned a university degree in Social Economy in Göttingen and worked as journalist.

His political career started in 1982 as Secretary of the Alternative-Greens-Initiative List (AGIL) Group in the Göttingen City Council (until 1984). From 1984 to 1985, he worked as Press Spokesman for the Greens Group in the Lower Saxony State Assembly, which he joined in 1985 as member of the state parliament.

From 1990 to 1994, Jürgen Trittin was the Lower Saxony Minister for Federal and European Affairs and the Head of the Lower Saxony State Mission to the Federal Government in a coalition cabinet with the SPD, led by then minister president of Lower Saxony Gerhard Schröder (SPD).

After Schröder's SPD won an absolute majority in the state elections in 1994, the coalition with the Greens was ended. Trittin now worked as Member of the Lower Saxony State Assembly and as Deputy Chairman of the Alliance 90/The Greens group in that parliament. In 1994, he became Spokesman (Chairman) of the national Green Party.

In 1998, Trittin was elected as Member of the federal parliament (Bundestag). At the same time he discontinued his work as Spokesman, because party statutes do not allow concurrently being a member of parliament and a member of the party executive.

In the federal red-green coalition cabinet, he was appointed Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, a role which he held from October 1998 until the Grand coalition took power in 2005. In this position he was responsible for the decision to abandon the use of nuclear power by 2020, called the nuclear power phase-out (see Nuclear power in Germany).

In August 2005, he responded to a question on how best to react to the 2005 petrol prices crisis with "leave the car at home from time to time." The media, in particular Bild, attacked these comments.

At the time of Hurricane Katrina in August/September 2005, Trittin wrote an opinion piece in the newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau associating the U.S.'s failure to sign the Kyoto protocol with the hurricane and its devastation.

Trittin is single and father to one daughter.

External links

* [http://www.bmu.de/english/ The federal ministry of environment, nature conservation and reactor safety]
* [http://www.juergentrittin.de/ Personal home page of Jürgen Trittin (German)]

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