

Infobox CardGame
title = Calabresella
subtitle =
image_link =
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alt_names = Terziglio
type = Trick Taking
players = 3
ages =
num_cards = 40-card
deck = Italian
play = counter-clockwise
card_rank = 3 2 A R C F 7 6 5 4
origin = Italy
related = [Tresette]
playing_time =
random_chance =
skills =
footnotes =

Terziglio, also known as Calabresella "the little Calabrian game"), is an Italian trick-taking card game for three players.


Terziglio is played with an Italian pack, consisting of a King (Re), Knight/Cavalier (Cavallo, literally meaning Horse), and a Knave (Fante, literally meaning Footsoldier) and the pip cards 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, ace in 4 suits of Batons (Bastoni), Swords (Spade), Cups (Coppe) and Coins (Danari).

The rank of the cards is the following: 3-2-A-R-C-F-7-6-5-4.


One player plays against the other two, paying to each or receiving from each the difference between. the number of points that he and they hold. Each player receives twelve cards, dealt four at a time. The remainder form the stock, which is left face downwards. There are no trumps. The player on the dealers right. The bids are

*Chiamo: The Soloist may demand any card he chooses, giving a card in exchange. If the three demanded is in the stock, no other card may be asked for before exchanging cards in the stock.
*Solo: The Soloist exchanges cards with the stock but does not call a card.
*Solissimo: The Soloist neither exchange cards or call a card. There are 2 variants of Solissimo that the bidder may declare to increase the score:
** Solissimo dividete: the other 2 players exchange exactly 2 cards each with the stock.
** Solissimo sceliete: the other 2 players exhange cards, not just 2.

The dealer has the last option. If one person announces the highest contract, the others combine against him. If all decline to play, the deal passes, the hands being abandoned.

The player on the dealers left then leads. The highest card wins the trick, there being no trumps. Players must follow suit, if they can. The single player and the allies collect all the tricks they win. respectively.


The cards are worth:
*Each ace is worth 1 point.
*3,2 and Face Card is worth 1/3 of a point.

Card points are used to calculate who won the game. If the Soloist won at least 6 points, he is credited with the score for the games:

Chiamo: 1 game pointSolo: 2 game pointsSolissimo: 4 game pointsSolissimo dividete: 8 game pointsSolissimo sceliete: 16 game points.

If the Soloist does not win, he loses the amount of game points. Note that the Card Points are not added to game points, but are only used to calculate who wins the game. If the Soloist wins every trick (Capotto), the score is doubled, if every point is won without winning all the tricks (Stramazzo), the score is tripled.


* [ Rules of Terziglio]
* David Parlett: The Penguin Book of Card Games

External links

* [ Calabresella / Terziglio Rules]
* [ Terziglio Rules]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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