

The Adnyamathanha or Adynyamathanha are aboriginal people Indigenous Australians from the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Their traditional language is Adnyamathanha.

The Adnyamathanha are made up of the Kuyani, Wailpi, Yadliaura, Pilatapa and Pangkala, which are the traditional groups of the Flinders Ranges. They share a common identity which they get from their descendants this common bond is their language and culture which is known as Yura Muda. The origins of the Adnyamathanha are told through creation stories, passed down from generation to generation. [ Flinders Ranges National Park] "Cultural Heritage", 2007, Department for Environment and Heritage, Accessed 17/8/07]

In 1851 the first Europeans settled some of the Adnyamathanha land. This led to many conflicts due to the aboriginal people being pushed off their land. In response to the settling, Aborginal stole sheep, which in turn led to retalitory killings. Aboriginal stockmen and housekeepers soon became a way of life for the early settlers.

ee also

*List of Indigenous Australian group names


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