hayride — ☆ hayride [hā′rīd΄ ] n. a pleasure ride in a wagon partly filled with hay, taken by a group on an outing … English World dictionary
hayride — n. to go on a hayride * * * [ heɪraɪd] to go on a hayride … Combinatory dictionary
Hayride to Hell — Infobox Film name = Hayride to Hell imdb id = 0121349 producer = Victoria Treole director = Kimble Rendall writer = Kimble Rendall Phillip Roope starring = Kylie Minogue Richard Roxburgh music = cinematography = editing = distributor = released … Wikipedia
Hayride (cocktail) — The Hayride is a cocktail invented by Boston Metro newspaper columnist Dan The Imbiber Dunn. It was featured in his Cocktail of the Week column in the November 2 4, 2007 issue of The Metro.PreparationIn a Cocktail Glass mix * 2 oz. Cognac * 1 oz … Wikipedia
hayride — noun Date: 1896 a pleasure ride usually at night by a group in a wagon, sleigh, or open truck partly filled with straw or hay … New Collegiate Dictionary
hayride — /hay ruyd /, n. a pleasure ride or outing, usually at night, by a group in an open wagon or truck partly filled with hay. [1855 60, Amer.; HAY + RIDE] * * * … Universalium
hayride — noun a ride in a vehicle full of hay just for fun … Wiktionary
hayride — hay|ride [ˈheıraıd] n AmE a ride in a ↑cart filled with hay, usually as part of a social event … Dictionary of contemporary English
hayride — hay|ride [ heı,raıd ] noun count AMERICAN a ride that you take for fun with other people in a WAGON filled with HAY, usually in the evening … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
hayride — n. pleasure ride taken in a hay wagon … English contemporary dictionary