

Villaguay is a city in the province of Entre Ríos in the Argentine Mesopotamia. It has about 32,000 inhabitants as of the census-ar|2001, and is the head town of the department of the same name.

The city lies near the geographic center of the province, east of the Gualeguay River, on National Route 18 (which links it to Paraná, the provincial capital, located 155 km to the west, and to Concordia, 120 km east). The area is serviced by an airport airport codes|?|SAAU at coord|31|51|S|59|5|W|.

The earliest records of European settlement date to 1790. In the nineteenth century, Spanish, Jewish, French, Italian, Volga German and Belgian communities were established in the area. In 1873, Villaguay, previously administered by military commanders, became a municipality.


* [] - Portal of the city.
* [] - Portal of the city.
* [] - Tourism portal of the province of Entre Ríos.

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