List of extinct plants

List of extinct plants

Prehistoric extinctions

* "Cooksonia sp." (Silurian)
* "Rhynia sp." (Silurian)
* "Drepanophycus sp." (Devonian)
* "Psilophyton sp." (Devonian)
* "Sigillaria sp." (Carboniferous)
* "Lepidodendron sp." (Carboniferous)
* "Calamites sp." (Carboniferous)
* "Cordaites sp." (Permian)
* "Glossopteris sp." (Permian)
* "Araucarioxylon sp." (Triassic)
* "Cladophlebis sp." (Triassic)
* "Zamites sp." (Triassic)
* "Brachyphyllum sp." (Triassic)
* "Pleuromeia sp." (Triassic)
* "Eboracia sp." (Jurassic)
* "Cycadeoidea sp." (Jurassic)
* "Gleichenites sp." (Jurassic)
* "Coniopteris sp." (Jurassic)
* "Czekanowskia sp." (Jurassic)
* "Nilssonia sp." (Jurassic)
* "Neocalamites sp." (Jurassic)
* "Baiera sp." (Jurassic)
* "Pterophyilum sp." (Jurassic)
* "Archaefructus sp." (Cretaceous)
* "Archaeanthus sp." (Cretaceous)
* "Williamsoniella sp." (Cretaceous)
* "Ephedrites sp." (Cretaceous)
* "Sphenobaiera sp." (Cretaceous)
* "Pagiophyllum sp." (Cretaceous)
* "Pannaulika sp." (Triassic)
* "Pityocladus sp." (Cretaceous)
* "Podozamites sp." (Cretaceous)
* "Liaoningocladus sp." (Cretaceous)

Modern extinctions


* St. Helena Mountain Bush – "Acalypha rubrinervis" (1870, Saint Helena)
* "Anogramma ascensionis" (1958, Ascension Island)
* Usambara Mountain Tree – "Anonidium usambarense" (1910, Tanzania)
* "Byttneria ivorensis" (1896, Côte d'Ivoire)
* Ivory Coast Coffea Tree – "Coffea lemblinii" (1925, Côte d'Ivoire)
* "Dryopteris ascensionis" (1889, Ascension Island)
* Lake Latumba Erythrina – "Erythrina schliebenii" (1938, Tanzania)
* St. Helena Heliotrope – "Heliotropium pannifolium" (1808, Saint Helena)
* St. Helena Olive – "Nesiota elliptica" (2003, Saint Helena)
* "Oldenlandia adscenionis" (1889, Ascension Island)
* Camaroon Pausinystalia – "Pausinystalia brachythyrsum" (1746, Cameroon)
* Silphium — "Ferula ?" (c. 50, Cyrene)
* "Sporobolus durus" (1886, Ascension Island)
* St. Helena Ebony – "Trochetiopsis melanoxylon" (1771, Saint Helena)
* St. Joeseph's anatomy- "Tyranicius rastimolous" (1342, Saint Josephius)


* Galapagos Amaranth – "Blutaparon rigidum" (1999, Galápagos)
* Rio de Janeiro Myrtle – "Campomanesia lundiana" (1825, Brazil)
* "Casearia quinduensis" (1997, Colombia)
* Rio de Janeiro Sapota – "Chrysophyllum januariense" (1997, Brazil)
* Havana Fragrant Tree – "Cnidoscolus fragrans" (1840, Cuba)
* Santa Cruz Bryophyte – "Flabellidium spinosum" (1911, Bolivia)
* Cuban Ruta Tree – "Galipea ossana" (1825, Cuba)
* Rio de Janeiro Myrtle – "Gomidesia cambessedeana" (1825, Brazil)
* Cuban Guettarda Tree – "Guettarda retusa" (1975, Cuba)
* Cuban Holly – "Ilex ternatiflora" (1950, Cuba)
* "Licania caldasiana" (1997, Colombia)
* Mason River Myrtle – "Myrcia skeldingii" (1972, Jamaica)
* Hastings County Neomacounia – "Neomacounia nitida" (1864, Canada)
* Rio de Janeiro Pouteria – "Pouteria stenophylla" (1997, Brazil)
* Cajamarca Pradosia – "Pradosia argentea" (1820, Peru)
* Rio de Janeiro Pradosia – "Pradosia glaziovii" (1997, Brazil)
* Colombian Pradosia – "Pradosia mutisii" (1925, Colombia)
* Jamaican Psidium – "Psidium dumetorum" (1976, Jamaica)
* Juan Fernandez Santalum – "Santalum fernandezianum" (1908, Chile)


* "Adiantum lianxianense" (Guangdong, China)
* Sri Lanka Legume Tree – "Crudia zeylanica" (1990, Sri Lanka)
* Kerala Legume Tree – "Cynometra beddomei" (1870, India)
* Sumatra Dipterocarpus – "Dipterocarpus cinereus" (1996, Sumatera, Indonesia)
* Arunchal Hopea Tree – "Hopea shingkeng" (1996, India)
* Nilgiri Holly – "Ilex gardneriana" (1859, India)
* Karnataka Sapota – "Madhuca insignis" (1900, India)
* Hainan Ormosia – "Ormosia huminy huminy howii" (1997, Southern China)
* Hainan Otophora – "Otophora unilocularis" (1935, Hainan, China)
* "Pluchea glutinosa" (19th Century, Yemen)
* "Psiadia schweinfurthii" (19th Century, Yemen)
* Sarawak Shorea – "Shorea cuspidata" (1996, Malaysia)
* Meghalaya Sterculia – "Sterculia khasiana" (1877, India)
* Muthukuzki Syzygium – "Syzygium gambleanum" (1997, India)
* "Valerianella affinis" (19th century, Yemen)
* Courtallum Wendlandia – "Wendlandia angustifolia" (1997, India)
* Woolly-stalked Begonia - "Begonia eiromischa" (20th century, Penang, Malaysia)


* "Astragalus nitidiflorus" (1909, Spain)
* Italian Bryophyte – "Radula visiniaca" (1938, Italy)
* Cry Pansy – "Viola cryana" (1933, France)


* Hawaii Chaff Flower – "Achyranthes atollensis" (1964, Hawaiian Is.)
* "Argyroxiphium virescens" (1996, Hawaiian Is.)
* "Casearia tinifolia" (1976, Mauritius)
* "Clermontia multiflora" (1871, Hawaiian Is.)
* New Calodonia Sapinda – "Cupaniopsis crassivalvis" (1869, New Caledonia)
* Haleakala Cyanea Tree – "Cyanea arborea" (1928, Hawaiian Is.)
* "Cyanea comata" (late 1800s, Hawaiian Is.)
* "Cyanea cylindrocalyx" (1909, Hawaiian Is.)
* "Cyanea dolichopoda" (1990, Hawaiian Is.)
* Giffard's Cyanea Tree – "Cyanea giffardii" (1917, Hawaiian Is.)
* Mark's Cyanea Tree – "Cyanea marksii" (1900, Hawaiian Is.)
* Pohaku Cyanea Tree – "Cyanea pohaku" (1910, Hawaiian Is.)
* Kohala Cyanea Tree – "Cyanea pycnocarpa" (1997, Hawaiian Is.)
* Oak-leaved Cyanea Tree – "Cyanea quercifolia" (1997, Hawaiian Is.)
* "Dracaena umbraculifera" (Mauritius)
* Taravai Aster Tree – "Fitchia mangarevensis" (1997, Taravai, French Polynesia)
* Moorea Laurel – "Hernandia drakeana" (1997, French Polynesia)
* Kawaihae Hibiscadelphus – "Hibiscadelphus bombycinus" (1868, Hawaiian Is.)
* Puhielelu Hibiscadelphus – "Hibiscadelphus crucibracteatus" (1981, Hawaiian Is.)
* Auwahi Hibiscadelphus – "Hibiscadelphus wilderianus" (1910, Hawaiian Is.)
* Oahu Kokia – "Kokia lanceolata" (1888, Hawaiian Is.)
* Cross-bearing Pelea – "Melicope cruciata" (1997, Hawaiian Is.)
* Maui Ruta Tree – "Melicope haleakalae" (1919, Hawaiian Is.)
* Obovate Melicope – "Melicope obovata" (1997, Hawaiian Is.)
* Lihue Ruta Tree – "Melicope paniculata" (1997, Hawaiian Is.)
* Nuku Hiva Neisosperma – "Neisosperma brownii" (1997, French Polynesia)
* Fatu Hiva Ochrosia – "Ochrosia fatuhivensis" (1997, French Polynesia)
* Nuku Hiva Ochrosia – "Ochrosia nukuhivensis" (1997, French Polynesia)
* Tahiti Ochrosia – "Ochrosia tahitensis" (1997, French Polynesia)
* Hawaii Ruta Tree – "Pelea obovata" (1997, Hawaiian Is.)
* Koé Stenocarpus – "Stenocarpus dumbeensis" (1905, New Caledonia)
* Norfolk Island Streblorrhiza – "Streblorrhiza speciosa" (1997, Norfolk Island)
* Fijian Weinmannia – "Weinmannia spiraeoides" (1840, Fiji)
* Skottsberg's Wikstroemia – "Wikstroemia skottsbergiana" (1997, Hawaiian Is.)
* Hakeakala Wikstroemia – "Wikstoemia villosa" (1997, Hawaiian Is.)
* Prony Bay Xanthostemon – "Xanthostemon sebertii" (1869, New Caledonia)

Extinct in the Wild Plants


* St. Helena Roundleaf Gumwood – "Commidendrum rotundifolium" (Saint Helena)
* "Encephalartos brevifoliolatus" (South Africa)
* "Encephalartos nubimontanus" (South Africa)
* "Encephalartos relictus" (Swaziland)
* "Encephalartos woodii" (South Africa)
* St. Helena Redwood – "Trochetiopsis erythroxylon" (Saint Helena)


* "Cosmos atrosanguineus" (Mexico)
* "Csapodya splendens" (syn. "Deppea splendens") (Mexico)
* Root-spine Palm – "Cryosophila williamsii" (Honduras)
* Cuban Erythroxylum – "Erythroxylum echinodendron" (Cuba)
* Franklin Tree – "Franklinia alatamaha" (Georgia, U.S.)
* "Laelia gouldiana" (Mexico)
* Biznaguita – "Mammillaria glochidiata" (Mexico)
* Biznaguita – "Mammillaria guillauminiana" (Mexico)
* Rio de Janeiro Terminalia – "Terminalia acuminata" (Brazil)


* India Monocarpic Palm – "Corypha taliera" - (Bengal)
* Pallasana Spurge – "Euphorbia mayurnathanii" (India)
* Yunnan Malva – "Firmiana major" (Yunnan, China)
* Kalimantan Mango – "Mangifera casturi" (Kalimantan, Indonesia)
* Sarawak Mango – "Mangifera rubropetala" (Kalimantan & Sumatra)
* Kanehira Azalea – "Rhododendron kanehirai" (Taiwan)
* "Tulipa sprengeri" (Turkey)


* Szaferi Birch – "Betula szaferi" (Poland)
* "Lysimachia minoricensis" (Spain)


* Pele Clermontia – "Clermontia peleana" (Hawaiian Is.)
* "Cyanea pinnatifida" (Hawaiian Is.)
* Royal Cyanea Tree – "Cyanea superba" (Hawaiian Is.)
* Punaluu Cyanea – "Cyanea truncata" (Hawaiian Is.)
* Fuzzyflower Cyrtandra – "Cyrtandra waiolani" (Hawaiian Is.)
* "Hemiandra rutilans" (Australia)
* Cooke's Kokia – "Kokia cookei" (Hawaiian Is)
* Toromiro Tree – "Sophora toromiro" (Easter Island, Chile)

Plants previously thought extinct and subsequently rediscovered

"See Lazarus species"

* "Badula ovalifolia" – discovered for the first time on Mauritius by Wayne Page & Gabriel d'Argent, Indian Ocean. 1997 / confirmed 2006
* Medusagyne oppositifolia - rediscovered in Seychelles in the 1970's
* Sichuan Thuja – "Thuja sutchuenensis" – rediscovered 1999 (Sichuan, China)
* Gibraltar Campion "(Silene tomentosa)" - Rediscovered on Gibraltar in 1994.

Extinct Algae

* Bennett's Seaweed - "Vanvoorstia bennettiana" - a red alga. (1886, Australia)

ee also

* List of extinct animals


*"The Evolution of Plants", by K. J. Willis, J. C. McElwain, Oxford University Press, 2002. ISBN 0198500653
*"Principles and Practice of Plant Conservation", by David R. Given, Timber Press, 1995. ISBN 0881922498
*Earth Witness Community Site [] (accessed 19 October 2005)

External links

* [ The Extinction Website]
* [ IUCN Red List of Threatened Species]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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