Fuad Khan

Fuad Khan

Dr. Fuad Khan (born February 1, 1955) is a Trinidad and Tobago politician. Since 1995 he has served as the Member of Parliament representing the constituency of San Juan/Barataria in the House of Representatives of Trinidad and Tobago. Elected on a United National Congress ticket he is currently an "Independent UNC Parliamentarian" after breaking ranks with the Opposition party. Dr. Khan continues to preach the necessity for unity among opposition parties if they are to be successful in the upcoming General Election. He is advised by Political Strategist Dr. Anderson Morris.

A medical doctor by profession, Khan received his MBBS from the University of the West Indies in 1982. Khan worked under World renowned Urologist Dr. Lall Sawh as a Junior Officer, and on Dr. Sawh's recommendation, Khan was accepted to the Institute of Urology, in London where he received a diploma in Urology in 1992. Upon his return to Trinidad, Khan began to focus more on politics and less so on Medicine.

Politically, Khan served as Minister in the Ministry of Health between 2000 and 2001. Between 1995 and 1996 he served as Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives.


* [http://www.nalis.gov.tt/govbios/DrFuadKhan.htm Biography] from Nalis.

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