

A Bidding-prayer (0. Eng. "biddan", "to pray", cf. Ger. "beten") is the formula of prayer or exhortation to prayer said during worship in churches of the Anglican Communion. It occurs during the liturgy of the word, prior to the sermon. Such formulae are found in the ancient Greek liturgies, e.g. that of St. Chrysostom, in the Gallican liturgy, and in the pre-Reformation liturgies of England.

The form varies, but in all the characteristic feature is that the minister tells the people what to pray for (e.g., the 1662 Book of Common Prayer bidding-prayer form begins, "Let us pray for Christ's holy Catholic Church," provides specifics, and then moves on to the next bidding). It is an informal intercessory prayer, covering a wide variety of concerns such as the church, the state, the living and the dead, and public and private necessities. In England in the 16th century it took the form of a direction to the people what to remember in telling their beads. In course of time the word "bid" in the sense of pray became obsolete and was confused with "bid" in the sense of command (from 0. Eng. "beodan", to offer, present, and hence to announce, or command; cf. Ger. "bieten", to offer, "gebieten", to command), and the bidding-prayer has come practically to mean the exhortation itself. A form of exhortation which preachers and ministers shall move the people to join with them in prayer is given in the 55th canon of the Church of England (1603).

In contemporary usage, the term "bidding-prayer" has largely been replaced by "intercessory prayers" or "prayers of the people." In keeping with Anglican custom, these are still said according to one or more Prayer Book templates, but are generally designed in such a way that specific topical, seasonal, or cyclical petitions can be added. On occasion, the person leading the prayers will still introduce each petition with the phrase, "I bid your prayers for..."

ee also

*List of prayers
*Book of Common Prayer


* [ Episcopal church website]

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  • Bidding prayer — Bid ding prayer 1. (R. C. Ch.) The prayer for the souls of benefactors, said before the sermon. [1913 Webster] 2. (Angl. Ch.) The prayer before the sermon, with petitions for various specified classes of persons. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bidding Prayer —    The 55th canon of the English Church in 1603 enjoined a Bidding Prayer in the form of an Exhortation to be used before all sermons, each petition or exhortation beginning, Let us pray for, or Ye shall pray for, to which the people responded.… …   American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia

  • bidding-prayer — biddˈing prayer noun 1. Orig the praying, or saying, of a prayer, then by confusion with ↑bid1taken to mean enjoining or inviting of prayer 2. A petitionary prayer said just before the sermon 3. A prayer of intercession for the living and the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • bidding prayer — 1. the formal petitionary prayer, said esp. in the Anglican Church immediately before the sermon. 2. an intercessory prayer for persons living and dead, said in English churches up to about the middle of the 16th century. [1745 55] * * * …   Universalium

  • BIDDING PRAYER —    an exhortation to prayer in some special reference, followed by the Lord s Prayer, in which the congregation joins …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • bidding prayer — noun 1. : a prayer said in English churches down to the Reformation for those living and dead whose names were on the list of persons to be prayed for 2. : a prayer taking the form of a series of petitions for specified objects or classes of… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • bidding — n. 1 the offers at an auction. 2 Cards the act of making a bid or bids. 3 a command, request, or invitation. Phrases and idioms: bidding prayer one inviting the congregation to join in …   Useful english dictionary

  • Prayer — • The raising of the heart and mind to God Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. prayer     Prayer     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

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