

Carpaccio is a dish of raw beef, veal or tuna traditionally thinly sliced or pounded thin served as an appetizer.


According to Arrigo Cipriani, the present-day owner of Harry's Bar, Carpaccio was invented at Harry's Bar in Venice, where it was first served to the countess Amalia Nani Mocenigo in 1950 when she informed the bar's owner that her doctor had recommended she eat only raw meat.Fact|date=July 2007 It consisted of thin slices of raw beef dressed with a mustard sauce. The dish was named Carpaccio by Giuseppe Cipriani, the bar's former owner, in reference to the Venetian painter Vittore Carpaccio, because the colours of the dish reminded him of paintings by Carpaccio.cite book|last=Cipriani|first=Arrigo|title=Harry's Bar: The Life and Times of the Legendary Venice Landmark|year=1996|publisher=Arcade|location=New York|id=ISBN 1-55970-259-1] According to another story of the genesis of this famous dish, it was born at the Savini Restaurant in Galleria Vittorio Emauele in Milan. A wealthy lady, who was an everyday customer, was indeed told by her doctor to eat only raw meat. Unfortunately, at the time, it was not socially acceptable that a lady of her status would order "raw meat" at the most elegant restaurant in the city. It was the waiter who suggested her to use a different name for it. Apparently a painting by Carpaccio was hanging on the wall at the Savini at the time, and the waiter suggested Carpaccio as the "code name" for the dish, so she would not be embarrassed when ordering it.

Jewish and Islamic Dietary Law

Some argue that Islamic and Jewish dietary laws classify raw meat as haraam (forbidden) or treif (Yiddish: טרײף or treyf, derived from Hebrew: טְרֵפָה‎ trēfáh) (unfit), respectively; however, consensus holds that raw meat is not haraam or treif if properly drained of blood. This does not refer to fish so tuna carpaccio is fit to eat by members of either faith (assuming that no other circumstances make the carpaccio unkosher or haraam)

See also



External links

* [ Recipe for carpaccio from Harry's Bar, where it originated]
* [ Recipe for carpaccio sauce]

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