Max and Ruby- Season 3

Max and Ruby- Season 3

Max and Ruby is a children's television series, based on the books by Rosemary Wells, and which was first broadcast in 2002. This article lists and details vignettes (3 per episode) from the third season of this series, which was first broadcast in 2007.


1. Ruby’s Loose Tooth

Max wants to eat the Triple-Nut-Coconut Crunch muffin that Grandma brought over for them, but Ruby has discovered she lost her loose tooth, and she "has" to find it. Of course they end up finding it in Ruby’s "Muffin!"
*Featuring Max and Ruby
*Grandma is never seen in this episode.
*From this point on, Ruby was voiced by a new actress, Rebecca Peters.

2. Ruby Scores!

Ruby, Louise and Roger are playing soccer. Ruby really wants to score a goal and Louise is cheering her on. But Max keeps getting in the way. Eventually Ruby does score, because of Max’s "Robots!"
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise and Roger.
*In this episode, Roger did use his words.

3. Ruby's Sandcastle

Ruby and Grandma are at the beach. Max wants to go in the "Water!" but Ruby wants to make a sandcastle. She sends Max out on a mission for the castle. Ruby ends up making a sandcastle with everything, including a moat with "Water!"
*Featuring Max, Ruby and Grandma.

4. Little Red Ruby Hood

Ruby is taking cookies to Grandma and Max wants to have some. Ruby tells a variation on the story of Little Red Riding Hood, in which the Big Bad Wolf ends up eating Grandma’s cookies. Which gives Max a wonderful idea….
*Featuring Max, Ruby and Grandma.
*This was the first episode in this season to have Ruby telling Max a story.
*The title of this episode appears on the screen as "Ruby Riding Hood".

5. Max and the beanstalk

When Max won’t eat his beans, Ruby tells him the story of Jack & the Beanstalk to show him that beans can be wonderful. After they’ve created their own fantasy version of the story, Max does have a different opinion of beans … and happily plants them in the garden!
*Featuring Max and Ruby.

6. The Froggy Prince

Ruby and Louise want to act out a play with them as princesses and Max as a prince, but Max wants to play with "Froggy!" so Ruby tells him the story of The Frog Prince, hoping to encourage him to play the prince. However, after their fantasy version of the story is told, Max knows who should play the prince. "Froggy!"
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise and Froggy.

7. Ruby Delivers

Ruby has to deliver flyers announcing the Bunny Scout Bake Sale and Max keeps getting in the way with "his" own flyers – all his flying toys. Just when it looks like Ruby’s not going to get her flyers out in time, Max comes up with a solution, using his own “Flyers!"
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Grandma and Rosalinda.
*Cameo by The Huffingtons.
*This episode is based on a story from one of the Max and Ruby annuals.

8. Getting Crabby at the Beach

Grandma, Max and Ruby are at the beach, and Ruby wants to create a tidal pool with all kinds of interesting sea creatures, plants and shells in it. But when they keep disappearing, she thinks Max is playing tricks on her. But it’s not Max who’s playing tricks, it’s the sneaky “Crab!”
*Featuring Max, Ruby and Grandma.

9. Max Babysits

Ruby goes to help keep an eye on Baby Huffington while Mrs. Huffington works in the garden. Ruby wants to stop Baby H from crying, and is sure Max’s noisy toys aren’t helping. But in fact, it’s Max’s noisy toys that make Baby Huffington happiest.
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Baby Huffington and Mrs. Huffington.

10. Max’s Fireflies

Ruby and Louise are getting ready to go to see the fireworks in the park with Grandma, but Max is focused on catching “Fireflies!”
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise and Grandma.

11. Max & Ruby’s Fashion Show

Ruby and Louise are playing in Grandma’s attic and think it would be great fun to have a fashion show in Grandma’s old clothes. They want Max to be in the fashion show too, but Max would rather play “Pirate!”
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise and Grandma.

12. Ruby’s Singalong

Ruby is trying to decide what song she’ll perform in the upcoming talent show. Max makes the practicing difficult because he keeps getting his noisy animal toys out and saying “Sing!” In the end, they do a uniquely Max & Ruby interpretation of “Old Macdonald had a Farm”.
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise and Valerie.
*Martha is mentioned.
*Belly dancing is also mentioned in this episode but is mistaken for ballet dancing.

13. Ruby’s Safari

Ruby and Louise have to fill out the last page of their Bunny Scout Scrapbook and they decide to have a safari in the back hard and get a picture of a special creature. Max keeps leading them astray with his animal toys, but in the end, his red rubber elephant attracts a hummingbird, and the girls get their photo.
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise and Bunny Scout Leader.

14. Max’s Mudbath

Ruby and Louise have set up the beauty shop again and want to subject Max to an all-natural treatment with crushed up fruits and veggies. Max thinks the treatments look quite tasty, and would rather play in the mud.
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise and Grandma.

15. Max’s Lost Lizard

Ruby and Louise are making a terrarium for the Bunny Scout chameleon, and Max is very interested in the “Lizard!” When the chameleon gets away, Ruby's brother Max is the only one who sees through its camouflage, and manages to help get it safely back in the girls’ finished terrarium.
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise and Bunny Scout Leader.

16. Max’s Easter Parade

Ruby is happy decorating Easter Eggs but Max wants a “Parade!” Ruby explains that there’s no Easter Parade, and asks Max to take each egg as she finishes it and put it in a basket to show Grandma. But when Grandma comes, there are no eggs in the basket. Instead, Max has incorporated the eggs and his toys to make his own Easter “Parade!”
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise and Grandma.

17. Ruby’s Easter Bonnet

Ruby is making an Easter Bonnet for the Bunny Scout Easter Bonnet contest. Max is trying to teach Froggy to “hop!” Ruby finally wins top prize for her most original spring Easter Bonnet, when Froggy actually hops right out of her bonnet!
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise, Bunny Scout Leader, Martha, Valerie and Froggy.
*Cameo by The Huffingtons, Rosalinda and Grandma.

18. Max & The Easter Bunny

Ruby and the rest of the Bunny Scouts are eager to participate in the annual Easter Egg Hunt. She explains to Max that the Easter Bunny hides the eggs and it’s their job to find them. But when they start finding the same eggs over and over and their baskets aren’t getting any more fully, they suddenly realize that Max has become the “Easter Bunny!"
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise, Martha, Valerie and Bunny Scout Leader.
*Despite the vignette's title, the Easter Bunny is only mentioned; he only appears in Max's Chocolate Chicken.

19. Ruby’s Puppet Show

Louise and Ruby want to put on a puppet show, and Max wants to use his toys as puppets. But they keep telling him his toys aren’t puppets... until one of them turns out to be just right.
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise and Grandma.
*When Ruby runs up to Grandma, her dress changes into her old one.

20. Sugar Plum Max

Ruby and Louise want to do the dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies, but that involves doing a very difficult pirouette. Max only wants to get to the Sugar Plums that Grandma made, and to Ruby’s surprise, his efforts help her do her pirouette.
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise and Grandma.

21. Max’s Ant Farm

The success of Ruby’s fancy dress-up party is threatened when Max’s ants accidentally get out of their ant farm. But Max manages to snag all the ants before anyone notices them, and actually becomes the hit of the party!
*Featruing Max, Ruby, Louise, Valerie and Martha.

22. Ruby’s Hippity Hop Dance

Ruby and Louise are trying to remember the steps to the Hippity Hop dance. AS they’re trying to figure it out, Max and Roger keep interrupting with their game of “Football!” finally, when Max scores a touchdown, he and Roger do a victory dance that provides Ruby and Louise with the final step of the Hippity Hop.
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise, Roger and Grandma.

23. Ruby’s Bird Bath

Ruby wants to get her Bunny Scout Young Environmentalist badge by creating an environmentally correct birdbath in their outdoor pool for the migrating birds. Max misinterprets and wants to fill the pool with “Bath toys!” Ruby is worried that his toys are going to scare her birds away, but in the end they are attracted by the rubber ducky – Max’s favorite “Bath Toy!"
*Featuring Max, Ruby and Bunny Scout Leader.

24. Super Max Saves the World

Ruby and Louise are trying to make a papier mache mobile of the sun, moon and earth for their science project. Max and Morris are playing their favourite super heroes, Super Bunny and Zoom Zoom. The girls are worried that the super heroes are going to ruin their project but in the end, Super Bunny and Zoom Zoom literally save the world!
*Featuring Max, Morris, Louise and Ruby.

25. Grandma’s Present

Grandma, Max and Ruby go to the department store to finish their Christmas shopping. Ruby tells Max to keep Grandma busy while she looks for the perfect Christmas present for her. Max and Grandma play with cowboy toys while Ruby finds a boa. But after interruptions from Max, Ruby discovers that someone else has bought the boa. But in the end, everyone is happy with their Christmas "Present!"
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Grandma and Mr. Huffington.

26. Max & Ruby’s Christmas Tree

It’s time to trim the Christmas tree, and Ruby wants to decorate it with all her favourite ornaments, so the tree will look “Beautiful.” Max thinks his snakes and bugs and other toys are “Beautiful”. In the end, when Ruby discovers they forgot to put the star treetopper on the tree, Max uses one of his toys to put his pinwheel on top. And they both pronounce it "Beautiful!"
*Featuring Max and Ruby.

27. Max & Ruby’s Snow Plow

There’s been a huge snowfall and Ruby thinks it would be wonderful to surprise Grandma by shovelling the walk to their house. But Max wants to play with his pedal “Car!” When the job looks too big to finish, Max helps by making a snow plow out of his "Car!"
*Featuring Max, Ruby and Grandma.
*Cameo by Roger.

New Features

Ruby wears a pink flowered dress now and she is now voiced by Rebecca Peters. And when Max shakes his head, it makes a noise.

28. Max and Ruby's Perfect Pumpkin

Max and Ruby are in Mr. Piazza's store in search of the perfect Hallowe'en pumpkin. But each time Ruby selects a pumpkin, she is distracted by Max, only to return to see her pumpkin being purchased by someone else.
*Featuring Max, Ruby, and Mr. Piazza
*Cameos by Valerie, Mr. Huffington, and Roger (non-speaking)

29. Max's Jack 'O' Lantern

Max and Ruby dress up for a Hallowe'en party at their home. Before their guests arrive, Ruby tells Max to design a pumpkin face for Grandma to carve, but Ruby insists it must be a happy, smiley pumpkin.
*Featuring Max (vampire), Ruby (fairy godmother), and Grandma
*Cameos by Louise (ballerina), Valerie (ghost), and Martha (pirate)

30. Max's Big Boo!

Max and Ruby prepare to go trick-or-treating. Max takes every opportunity to scare Ruby, but Ruby knows all his tricks.
*Featuring Max (vampire) and Ruby (fairy godmother)
*Cameo by Louise (heard only on the phone)

31. Surprise Ruby

It's Ruby's birthday and Ruby expects her friends to throw her a surprise party at their home. But Ruby must give chase when Max makes off with her birthday tiara.
*Featuring Max and Ruby
*Cameo by Grandma, Louise, Valerie, and Martha

32. Ruby's Birthday Party

Ruby's friends throw her a birthday party at Grandma's house. But before Max can have cake, Ruby insists they must play some birthday games first.
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise, Valerie, and Martha
*Cameo by Grandma

33. Max's Present

Ruby unwraps her birthday presents and plans to save all the pretty wrapping paper. Meanwhile, Max tries to wrap a gift for his sister, Ruby.
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise, and Grandma

34. Grandma's Berry Patch

Max and Ruby pick raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries so Grandma can make her special surprise berry recipe..."mushed berry smoothies".
*Featuring Max and Ruby
*Cameo by Grandma

35. Ruby's Bunny Scout Banner

Ruby and Louise paint a banner for their Bunny Scout parade, but Max constantly interrupts them.
*Featuring Max, Ruby, and Louise
*Cameos by Bunny Scout Leader, Valerie, and Martha

36. Ruby's Detective Agency

Grandma has a surprise for Ruby, but before Ruby can go to Grandma's house she must solve the mystery of Mrs. Quack's disappearance.
*Featuring Max and Ruby
*Cameo by Grandma

37. Max's Rocket Racer

Max and Ruby are at the East Bunny Hop Summer Fair. When Ruby and Louise point out that Max is below the line (height) for the Rocket Racer ride, Max sets out to find ways to be taller.
*Featuring Max, Ruby, and Louise
*Cameos by Rosalinda (ring toss), Mr. Huffington (magic show), Candy (candy corner), and Mr. Piazza (rocket racer)

38. Max and Morris Blast Off

Ruby and Louise host a special bunny scout meeting to celebrate Bunny Scout Leader's birthday. The meeting gets that extra special touch when Super Bunny and Zoom Zoom "help".
*Featuring Max, Ruby, Louise, and Morris.
*Cameos by Bunny Scout Leader, Valerie, and Martha

39. Max's Candy Apple

Max and Ruby are at the East Bunny Hop Fall Fair where there's races, food, and prizes. Max has his sights set on a candy apple, but Ruby insists she and Max participate in some races first to win a prize.
*Featuring Max and Ruby
*Cameos by Mr. Piazza, Mr. Huffington (race official), Candy, Valerie, Roger, Louise,
*Races: egg and spoon; sack; belly ballon; three-legged (obstacle course)

40. Grandma and the Video

Max & Ruby borrowed a tape from Grandma, but the tapes erased! Willthey right just the right tape?

*Featuring Max, Ruby, Grandma, Louise, Valerie, Martha, Mr Piazza,Roger, Mr and Mrs Huffington, Candi, Rosalinda and Bunny Scout Leader.

* Run time: 1 hr 5 mins

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