

:"Not to be confused with Galbreath

Galbraith is a surname, and may refer to:

* Evan Griffith Galbraith (1928–2008), United States diplomat
* Francis Joseph Galbraith (1913–1986), United States diplomat
* Declan Galbraith (born 1991), British singer.
* Gatewood Galbraith, a Kentucky lawyer, author and politician
* Jack Galbraith, former Scottish footballer
* James Galbraith (born 1940), Canadian Progressive Conservative politician
* James K. Galbraith, United States economist, son of John Kenneth Galbraith
* Jo-Ann Galbraith (born 1985), Australian archer
* John Kenneth Galbraith (1908–2006), Canadian-born American economist
* Patrick Galbraith (born 1967), United States professional tennis player
* Paul Galbraith, (born 1964), World renowned Scottish-born classical guitarist known for his innovative style of playing
* Peter W. Galbraith, United States diplomat and commentator, son of John Kenneth Galbraith
* Sam Galbraith (born 1945), Scottish Labour Party politician
* Sheldon Galbraith (born 1922), Canadian figure skating coach
* Tam Galbraith (1917–1982), Scottish Conservative and Unionist politician
* Thomas Dunlop Galbraith, 1st Baron Strathclyde (1891–1985), British politician
* Thomas Galbraith, 2nd Baron Strathclyde (born 1960), British Conservative Party politician
* Thomas J. Galbraith (mid-19th century), United States politician
* Vivian Hunter Galbraith, British historian
* William Robert Galbraith, (mid-late 19th century) Civil engineer in the United Kingdom

* 4089 Galbraith, an Asteroid

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  • Galbraith — surname, from O.Gael. Gall Bhreathnach stranger Briton, a name given to Britons settled among Gaels …   Etymology dictionary

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