=Society of Teachers Opposed to Physical Punishment, 1968-1989=

This UK based organisation was instrumental in the abolition of corporal punishment within UK high schools. It was a pressure group composed of teachers that lobbied government and other official institutions for the abolition of corporal punishment. It also investigated individual cases of corporal punishment and aided families that wished to pursue their cases through the UK and European court system. Parliament abolished corporal punishment in 1986, at this point STOPP wound up the organisation and ceased to exist.

Later organsiations named STOPP

TOPP (School Teachers Opposed to Performance Pay)

The campaign "School Teachers Opposed to Performance Pay" was launched in the UK by teachers in 1999 in response to the introduction of performance management and the "threshold”. It organised a number of protest events, including a march and rally in London in February 2000.

In 2006 there was another flurry of activity when it became clear that the government of the UK proposed to use performance management in schools as a way of promoting performance related pay.

TOPP (Stop Planned Parenthood)

Founded in 1985, "Stop Planned Parenthood" is a Christian anti-abortion organisation. It became part of American Life League in 1998.

STOPP is a Planned Parenthood watchdog group that aims to close the abortion chain. [Catholic News Agency, 2006. [ Buffett gift likely to benefit already profitable Planned Parenthood] ]


* [ Socialist Teachers Alliance]

* [ STOPP blog on]

* [ STOPP homepage at American Life League]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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