List of Lepidoptera that feed on Artemisia

List of Lepidoptera that feed on Artemisia

"Artemisia" species are used as food plants by the larvae of a number of Lepidoptera species including:

Monophagous species which feed exclusively on "Artemisia"

*"Bucculatrix" leaf-miners::*"B. absinthii":*"B. andalusica":*"B. artemisiella":*"B. atagina" - feeds on "Artemisia campestris":*"B. benacicolella" - feeds on "A. alba":*"B. canariensis" - feeds on "A. canariensis":*"B. diffusella" - feeds on "Artemisia maritima":*"B. herbalbella" - feeds on "A. herba-alba":*"B. koebelella" - feeds on "A. californica":*"B. laciniatella" - feeds on "A. laciniata":*"B. leptalea" - feeds on Tarragon:*"B. noltei" - feeds on Mugwort:*"B. pannonica" - feeds on "A. maritima":*"B. ratisbonensis" - feeds on "A. campestris":*"B. salutatoria" - feeds on Sagebrush:*"B. seorsa" - feeds on Sagebrush:*"B. tridenticola" - feeds on Sagebrush
*"Coleophora" case-bearers::*"C. absinthii" - feeds on Absinth Wormwood:*"C. amentastra" - feeds on "A. turanica":*"C. artemisicolella" - feeds on Mugwort:*"C. artemisiella" - feeds on "A. maritima":*"C. directella" - feeds on "A. campestris":*"C. dubiella":*"C. granulatella" - feeds on "A. campestris":*"C. guttella" - feeds on "A. turanica":*"C. polynella" - feeds on "A. turanica":*"C. settarii" - feeds on "A. crithmifolia":*"C. solenella" - feeds on "A. campestris":*"C. succursella" - feeds on "A. campestris":*"C. yomogiella":*"C. zhusani" - feeds on "A. turanica"
*"Schinia spp":*"S. acutilinea":*"S. cumatilis" - feeds on "A. frigida":*"S. scutosa" - feeds on "A. campestris":*"S. separata"

Polyphagous species which feed on "Artemisia" among other plants

*Bordered Pug ("Eupithecia succenturiata") - recorded on Mugwort
*"Bucculatrix" leaf-miners::*"B. arnicella" - recorded on Sagebrush:*"B. fatigatella" - recorded on "A. campestris"
*"Chionodes distinctella" - recorded on "A. campestris"
*"Coleophora case-bearers::*"C. albicella" - recorded on "A. caerulescens":*"C. caelebipennella" - recorded on "A. campestris":*"C. ditella" - recorded on "A. campestris":*"C. gardesanella":*"C. kurokoi" - recorded on "A. princeps":*"C. trochilella" - recorded on Mugwort:*"C. vibicigerella"
*Common Emerald ("Hemithea aestivaria")
*Common Pug ("Eupithecia vulgata")
*The Gothic ("Naenia typica")
*Grey Chi ("Antitype chi") - recorded on Mugwort
*Grey Pug ("Eupithecia subfuscata")
*Heart and Dart ("Agrotis exclamationis")
*Lime-speck Pug ("Eupithecia centaureata")
*Mouse Moth ("Amphipyra tragopoginis") - recorded on Mugwort
*Scalloped Hazel ("Odontopera bidentata") - recorded on Mugwort
*Tawny Speckled Pug ("Eupithecia icterata")
*The V-pug ("Chloroclystis v-ata") - recorded on Mugwort
*Wormwood Pug ("Eupithecia absinthiata")

External links

* [ Caterpillar Hostplants Database]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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