- Gallo-Roman religion
Gallo-Roman religion was a fusion of Roman religious forms and modes of worship with
Gaulish deities fromCeltic polytheism . It was a selective acculturation.Deities
In some cases, Gaulish deity names were used as epithets for Roman deities, as with Lenus Mars or Jupiter Poeninus. In other cases, Roman gods were given Gaulish female partners – for example, Mercury was paired with
Rosmerta andSirona was partnered withApollo . In at least one case – that of the equine goddessEpona – a native Celtic goddess was also adopted by Romans.Eastern
mystery religion s penetrated Gaul early on. These included the cults ofOrpheus ,Mithras ,Cybele , andIsis .The imperial cult, centred primarily on the "
numen " ofAugustus , came to play a prominent role in public religion in Gaul, most dramatically at the pan-Gaulish ceremony venerating Rome and Augustus at the Condate Altar nearLugdunum on1 August .Worship
Generally Roman worship practices such as offerings of incense and animal sacrifice, dedicatory inscriptions, and naturalistic statuary depicting deities in anthropomorphic form were combined with specific Gaulish practices such as around a temple. This gave rise to a characteristic Gallo-Roman
fanum , identifiable in archaeology from its concentric shape.ources
* Burnand, Y. (1999). "Notes sur le vocabulaire épigraphique de la représentation de la divinité en Gaule romaine" in "Signa deorum : L'iconographie divine en Gaule romaine. Communications présentées au colloque organisé par le Centre Albert Grenier d'antiquité nationale de l'Université de Nancy II et la direction d'études d'antiquités de la Gaule romaine de la IVe section de l'Ecole pratique des hautes études". Y. Burnand and H. Lavagne. Paris, De Boccard. fr icon
* Debal, J. (1983) "Vienne-en-Val, Divinites et Sanctuaires." "Bulletin de la Société Archéologique et Historique de l'Orléanais", 42 fr icon
* Deyts, S. (1998). "A la rencontre des Dieux gaulois, un défi à César". Paris: Réunion des Musées Nationaux. fr icon
* Faudet, I. (1993) "Les Temples de Tradition Celtique en Gaule Romaine". Paris, Editions Errance. ISBN 2-87772-074-8 fr icon
* Green, M. (1986) "Gods of the Celts". Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing Limited. ISBN 0-7509-1581-1.
* Jufer, N.; Luginbühl, T. (2001) "Répertoire des dieux gaulois". Paris, Editions Errance. ISBN 2-87772-200-7 fr icon
* Weisgerber, G. (1975). "Das Pilgerheiligtum Des Apollo Und Der Sirona Von Hochscheid Im Hunsruck". Bonn: Rudolf Habelt Press. de icon
* Woolf, G. (1998). "Becoming Roman: the origins of provincial civilization in Gaul". Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.ee also
Celtic mythology
*Roman mythology
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