William C. Dietz

William C. Dietz

William Corey Dietz (born 1945) is a U.S. science fiction author who has written 28 novels in the genre, some of which have been translated into German, Russian and Japanese. Among the works from Dietz is also the novel adaptation of the highly rated computer and video game "Halo": the book was titled "" and released in 2003. Prior to "The Flood", Dietz also wrote three "Star Wars" novels that followed the exploits of Kyle Katarn.

William C. Dietz grew up in the Seattle area, spent time with the Navy and Marine Corps as a corpsman, graduated from the University of Washington and worked as a surgical technician, college instructor, and news writer. Later he worked for US West in a number of different marketing communications and public relations related positions, before leaving to accept a job as Director of Public Relations and Marketing for international telephone company edge2net. Dietz has been a full-time writer since 2002.


"Sam McCade Novels"
* Galactic Bounty (War World)
* Imperial Bounty
* Alien Bounty
* McCade’s Bounty
* McCade For Hire (Includes Galactic Bounty and Imperial Bounty)
* McCade On The Run (Includes Alien Bounty and McCade’s Bounty)

"Drifter Series"
* Drifter
* Drifter’s Run
* Drifter’s War

"Legion Series"
* Legion Of The Damned
* The Final Battle
* By Blood Alone
* By Force of Arms
* For More Than Glory
* For Those Who Fell
* When All Seems Lost (HC)
* When Duty Calls (HC) Fall of 2008)

"The Sauron duology"
* Deathday
* Earthrise

"Other series"
* Matrix Man
* Mars Prime

* Runner
* (HC)

* Freehold
* Prison Planet
* Where The Ships Die
* Bodyguard
* Steelheart

* Cluster Command with Dave Drake

* Soldier For The Empire, Dark Forces, Lucas Films (HC)
* Rebel Agent, Dark Forces, Lucas Films (HC)
* Jedi Knight, Dark Forces, Lucas Films (HC)

* , Del Rey/Microsoft
* , Del Rey


* [http://hboff.bungie.org/viewtopic.php?t=5361 Interview with William C. Dietz]
* [http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/William_C_Dietz.htm The William C. Dietz Bibliography]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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