- Johannes Max Proskauer
Johannes Max Proskauer (
December 5 ,1923 –December 20 ,1970 ) was born in Göttingen, Germany. He received his doctorate inbotany from theUniversity of London in 1964.In 1948, Proskauer moved to
Berkeley, California , where he became an instructor in botany at theUniversity of California, Berkeley . He became aUnited States citizen in 1957.Professor Proskauer's thesis research was concerned with the
biology and morphology of the British species of thehornwort "Anthoceros ". Much of his life's work focussed on this group, and in 1951, he recognized and defined thegenus "Phaeoceros " for the first time. He continued to work at Berkeley on the morphology and cytology on the hornworts and also the liverworts.He died in 1970, leaving a leagacy of careful and meticulous study.
* (1948) "Studies on the morphology of Anthoceros. I". Annals of Bot., Ser. 2, 12: 237-265.
* (1948) "Studies on the morphology of Anthoceros. II". Annals of Bot., Ser. 2, 12: 427-439.
* (1951) "Studies on Anthocerotales. III". Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 78: 331-349.
* (1951) "Studies on Anthocerotales. IV". Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 80: 65-75.
* (1954) "A study of the Phaeoceros laevis complex and the European Anthocerotae". Rapp. et Comm. VIII Cong. Int. Bot., Paris xiv-xvi: 68-69.
* (1958) "Studies on Anthocerotales. V". Phytomorphology 7: 113-135.
* (1960) "Studies on Anthocerotales. VI". Phytomorphology 10: 1-19.
* (1962) "On Carrpos. I". Phytomorphology 11: 359-378.
* (1962) "On Takakia, especially its mucilage hairs". J. Hattori Bot. Lab 25: 217-223.
* (1965) "On the liverwort Phyllothallia". Phytomorphology 15: 375-379.
* (1968) "Studies on Anthocerotales. VII". Phytomorphology 17: 61-70.
* (1969) "Studies on Anthocerotales. VIII". Phytomorphology 19: 52-66.External links
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