

The Quadrantids are a strong January meteor shower.

The radiant of this shower is an area inside the constellation Boötes. The name comes from Quadrans Muralis, an obsolete constellation that is now part of Boötes.

The parent body of the Quadrantids was recently tentatively identified (in a [http://ephemeris.sjaa.net/0401/e.html paper by Peter Jenniskens] ) as the minor planet 2003 EH1, which in turn may be the same object as the comet C/1490 Y1 [ [http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004AJ....127.3018J 2003 EH1 Is the Quadrantid Shower Parent Comet] ] which was observed by Chinese, Japanese and Korean astronomers 500 years ago.

The best date to view the Quadrantids is January 3, although they can normally be viewed on any day from the 1st to the 5th of the month. The radiant rises after local midnight. According to a few websites, one Quadrantid will be viewable on January 4, 2008 with mention of it being viewable over the eastern United States and western Europe. [cite web| date =January 3, 2008|title =Must-See Meteor Shower Friday Morning |author =Joe Rao, Skywatching Columnist| url =http://www.space.com/spacewatch/080103-meteor-shower.html| accessdate =2008-01-03] [cite web| title ="Scientists Fly to 2008's Most Dazzling Meteor Shower"| publisher =Slashdot.org| url =http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/01/02/2334242&from=rss| accessdate =2008-01-02] [cite web| date =December 28, 2007 |title =Quadrantid Meteor Shower Will Sparkle on January 3rd| publisher =Universe Today|url =http://www.universetoday.com/2007/12/28/quadrantid-meteor-shower-will-sparkle-on-january-3rd/ |accessdate =2008-01-02] NASA will use a Gulfstream V aircraft to study the meteor shower. [cite web| date =January 1, 2008| title ="International Space Updates: 2008"; NASA again postpones the launch of Atlantis; Gulfstream V will be used to study meteor shower; Russia will have to find new places to lodge its space tourists| publisher =Daily Tech| url =http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=10149| accessdate =2008-01-02]


External links

* [http://www.imo.net/files/data/calendar/cal06.pdf International Meteor Organization 2006 Meteor Shower Calendar (PDF)]
* [http://quadrantid.seti.org NASA Quadrantid Airborne Campaign]

See also

*Meteor showers
*List of meteor showers

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