

Mountains and mountain ranges

*Sierra mountains
*Sierra Juárez, mountain range in Baja California, Mexico
*Sierra Madre, various mountain ranges

Place names

*Sierra (Ecuador)
*Sierra (Peru)
*Sierra County, California, in the north of the states
*Sierra de las Nieves, in Andalusia, Spain
*Sierra San Pedro Mártir, mountain range in Baja California, Mexico
*Sierra National Forest, in California, United States
*Sierra Nevada National Park (Spain), in Andalusia, Spain
*Sierra Nevada National Park (Venezuela)
*Sierra Nevada Observatory, Granada, Spain
*Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta National Park in northern Colombia
*Sierra Sky Park Airport in Fresno, California
*High Sierra Trail, in California, United States
*Sierra Valley, California, in Plumas and Sierra counties


*Sierra Bullets, an ammunition manufacturing company
*Sierra Club, an environmental organization in the United States
*Sierra Club of Canada, an environmental organization in Canada
*Sierra Entertainment, A Worldwide American computer game developer and publisher
*Sierra Semiconductor, a semiconductor company
*Sierra Wireless, a wireless communications equipment manufacturer
*Sierra Instruments, A Worldwide Massflow Company

In films

*Sierra (TV series), a 1974-1975 NBC television show that aired on Thursday nights


*Ciara, American singer (pronounced "sierra")
*Javier Sierra, Spanish journalist
*Jessica Sierra, "American Idol 4" contestant
*Rubén Sierra, a professional baseball player
*Sierra (porn star), an erotic actress from Atlanta


*Sierra (group), American musical artists

Other uses

*Acme Sierra, an American experimental aircraft built in 1948
*Ford Sierra, a car produced by the Ford Motor Company
*GMC Sierra, a truck produced by General Motors
*Jamón serrano, Spanish for "Sierra ham"
*Scomberomorus sierra, a Pacific coast Spanish mackerel
*"Sierra" is the NATO phonetic alphabet designation for the letter "S"
*Sclass|Sierra|submarine|1, a Russian attack nuclear submarine
*Sierra Mist, a soft drink
*Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, a California based brewery

See also

*High Sierra

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  • Sierra — bezeichnet: „Gebirge“ im Spanischen, siehe Sierra (Geographie) (dort auch mit Einzelgebirgen) den Buchstaben „S“ im ICAO Alphabet Sierra, Film mit Audie Murphy und Wanda Hendrix (1950), Regie: Alfred E. Green Sierra Leone, einen Staat an der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • sierra — [ sjera ] n. f. • 1622; mot esp. « scie » ♦ Dans les pays de langue espagnole, Montagne à relief allongé (dont le sommet peut être plat aussi bien qu aigu). La sierra Nevada. ● sierra nom féminin (espagnol sierra, scie) Nom donné, dans les pays… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • sierra — (Del lat. serra). 1. f. Herramienta para cortar madera u otros objetos duros, que generalmente consiste en una hoja de acero dentada sujeta a una empuñadura. 2. Lugar donde se sierra. 3. Herramienta que consiste en una hoja de acero fuerte, larga …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • sierra — sustantivo femenino 1. Área: geografía Cordillera de montañas con cimas picudas y abruptas. 2. Región montañosa: Los domingos voy con mis amigos a la sierra. 3. Herramienta formada por una hoja dentada de metal sujeta a un mango o armazón, para… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Sierra — Si*er ra, n. [Sp., properly, a saw, fr. L. serra a saw. See {Serrate}.] A ridge of mountain and craggy rocks, with a serrated or irregular outline; as, the Sierra Nevada. [1913 Webster] The wild sierra overhead. Whitter. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sierra — a range of hills, 1610s, from Sp. sierra jagged mountain range, lit. saw, from L. serra a saw …   Etymology dictionary

  • Sierra [1] — Sierra (span.), 1) so v.w. Säge; daher wegen der steilen u. zackigen Gipfel 2) so v.w. Gebirge, entspricht dem portugiesischen Serra, s.d …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Sierra — Sĭerra (span.), s. Serra …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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