

Falco may refer to:


* Birds of the genus "Falco", better known as the Falcons
* The Italian word for Hawk.


* Falco (musician), Austrian pop/rock star
* Quintus Pompeius Falco, a Roman governor of Britannia
* Edie Falco, actress
* Tav Falco, musician
* Falco, birth surname of serial killer David Berkowitz.
* Saint Falco of Maastricht, bishop of Maastricht at the turn of the 6th century.
* Andy "Falco" Falkous, guitarist and frontman of the now-defunct band Mclusky

Fictional characters

* Marcus Didius Falco, protagonist of historical novels.
* Falco Lombardi, the video game character, originally from "Star Fox".
* Nick Falco, a police detective on the television show "Law & Order".
* Falco, a rival character from the manga, Fist of the North Star.
* Shane Falco, quarterback for the fictional Washington Sentinels in "The Replacements".


* The Sequoia Falco sports plane, sold in kit form
* The Fiat CR.42 Falco fighter aircraft
* The Reggiane Re.2000 Falco fighter aircraft


* The Aprilia SL1000 Falco, Sports Light 998cc 60o V-Twin


* "Falco (single)", a song by Hitomi Shimatani.


* Falco Data Products, a manufacturer of terminals for Unix and VAX computers

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  • Falco — und Ursela Monn, 1986 bei der Filmpremiere von Geld oder Leber! in Deutschland (Essen) Falco (* 19. Februar 1957 in Wien; † 6. Februar 1998 zwischen Villa Montellano und Puerto Plata in der Dominikanischen Republi …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • falco — s.m. [lat. falco onis ] (pl. chi ). 1. (zool.) [uccello dei falconidi] ▶◀ ‖ astore, girifalco. ▲ Locuz. prep. (con uso fig.): da falco [di vista, molto sviluppata] ▶◀ acuto, aguzzo, (lett.) cerviero, penetrante; di falco [di occhi, dallo sguardo… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • Falco —   eigentlich Johann Hölzel, österreichischer Sänger, Komponist und Produzent, * Wien 19. 2. 1957, ✝ bei Puerto Plata (Dominikanische Republik) 6. 2. 1998; nach Musikstudium und diversen Bandaktivitäten gelang ihm 1982 der Durchbruch mit dem… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Falco — Fréquent en Italie, c est un nom de personne issu du latin falco (= faucon), sans doute réimporté par les peuples germaniques, chez qui la racine falc a été très largement utilisée dans la formation de patronymes. Avec pluriel de filiation :… …   Noms de famille

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  • Falco — (lat.), s. Falken …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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